[fusion-dev] Question about GxSelectionObjectLayer

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Apr 1 09:48:11 EDT 2008

Hi Alan,

I was able to piece this together from a couple of sources.  Assefa  
originally set it to propertynames as part of implementing support for  
selections being stored in the session and possibly coming back  
paginated (requesting a sub-set of the selection).  Then Mike fixed a  
bug related to using display names rather than field names with  
mapguide that changed it from propertynames to propertyvalues.

I believe that the mapguide code is assuming that propertynames  
contains the original (unaliased) names and propertyvalues contains  
the alias for the property name.

Does this help?


On 31-Mar-08, at 2:11 PM, Alan Boudreault wrote:
> Hi,
> After updating my sandbox the trunk this morning, and test my  new  
> feature in the ticket #24 ( http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/ 
> 24 ). I just notice something is going wrong with Propertyies name  
> of a query. After a moment, i notice that in the Map.js file of  
> Fusion. In the initialize() method of GxSelectionObjectLayer. Is  
> there a reason for using:
> *this.aPropertiesName  = o[layerName].propertyvalues;*
> instead of
> *
> this.aPropertiesName  = o[layerName].propertynames;*
> Thanks ,
> Alan
> -- 
> Alan Boudreault
> Mapgears
> http://www.mapgears.com
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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