[fusion-dev] GeoExt

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Thu Dec 11 19:47:15 EST 2008

GeoExt is similar to Jx + the OL client portion of Fusion, GeoMoose,
etc.  MapFish is a closer analogue to Fusion.

I was about to say that because it is based on Ext it would have to be
GPLv3, but then found that ExtJS has exemptions in place for open source
libraries and applications that encapsulate it.  Didn't see that last
time I looked.

This is pretty cool:



-----Original Message-----
From: Zac Spitzer
Subject: [fusion-dev] GeoExt

Just saw this post on planet osgeo,

Seems rather like Fusion, hmmm


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