[fusion-dev] Is there a parameter missing inFusion.Layers.MapServer.getLegendImageURL(..)?

Nolte, Tim Tim.Nolte at ipcswirelessinc.com
Wed Dec 16 08:16:59 EST 2009


I would update to the latest trunk of Fusion. I have made a bunch of fixes for the Legend rendering and other items specific for MapServer.

- Tim

Timothy J Nolte - tnolte at ilpcs.com
Network Planning Engineer

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Kentwood, MI 49512

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-----Original Message-----
From: fusion-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:fusion-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Bernhard Schneider
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 2:58 AM
To: fusion-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [fusion-dev] Is there a parameter missing inFusion.Layers.MapServer.getLegendImageURL(..)?

Hello Fusioners,

Building a Fusion application on the basis of MapServer, and using the  
Fusion 2 beta version I downloaded quite a while ago, I am having  
problems with the legend rendering.

All layers that have classes defined in the mapfile are rendered in  
the legend with one line per class, including icons showing the  
symbols (line color and width, fill color and pattern, etc.) with  
which the classes are drawn in the map. In my case, only the first  
class of each layer has the correct icon, all the other have the same  
icon as the first class.

Digging into the code, I found something confusing which I think may  
be the cause for the problem:

-- The two methods  
Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault.updateLayer and  
Fusion.Widget.Legend.LegendRendererDefault.createTreeItem call the  
MapServer method Fusion.Layers.MapServer.getLegendImageURL, each time  
passing three parameters for scale, layer, and style.

-- The method Fusion.Layers.MapServer.getLegendImageURL, as  
implemented in MapServer.js, accepts only two parameters, namely  
fScale and layer.

Perhaps, someone knowledgeable could have look at this?


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