[fusion-trac] #146: Select radius causes map to pan
trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 5 11:18:06 EST 2008
#146: Select radius causes map to pan
Reporter: chrisclaydon | Owner: pagameba
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: P1 | Milestone: 2.0
Component: Widgets | Version: SVN
Severity: Major | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: | External_id: 1150366
State: Committed | Browser: All
Os: All |
Changes (by pagameba):
* status: assigned => closed
* state: Analysing => Committed
* resolution: => fixed
This was a whole class of issues related to having two instances of the
same widget type in the page. what was happening was the Pan widget was
the first widget to be created and was activated by default on the map. A
second Pan widget was also created and caused all the Pan widgets to be
visually deactivated but left the drag pan handler active. Clicking any
other widget that was part of the isExclusive set would activate the new
widget but not deactivate the handler of the Pan widget because it didn't
think it was active to start with.
Moving the isExclusive checks from ApplicationDefinition.js to
Widget.js::setUiObject removed some code and cleaned things up regarding
the order in which things were happening.
Now the first widget to be created is active by default and all instances
of the widget appear active, and selecting another widget correctly
deactivates the first one.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/146#comment:3>
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