[fusion-trac] #312: decode xml string before rendering attribute in www\fusion\widgets\SelectionPanel.js

Fusion trac_fusion at osgeo.org
Mon Aug 16 07:48:46 EDT 2010

#312: decode xml string before rendering attribute in
   Reporter:  poulet1212  |       Owner:  madair  
       Type:  defect      |      Status:  assigned
   Priority:  P2          |   Milestone:  2.2     
  Component:  Widgets     |     Version:  1.1.1   
   Severity:  Major       |    Keywords:          
External_id:              |       State:  New     
    Browser:  All         |          Os:  All     

Comment(by poulet1212):

 I think it's not clear enough what I've described.
 This is not about MG Maestro/Studio. So far I know, Maestro/Studio is not
 able to return markup in the property value (like you can do with an
 expression for MapTip).
 I was meaning a "dirty" way to have a markup in property value if the
 object property is already a markup. For example, I have a parcel feature
 source with an attribute named "fotography" that contains an <a> tag
 linked to the foto. I know that feature source data may not contain
 markups inside and therefore it's why I've called it dirty way. If you do
 this, you see in the property panel the whole markup code source but not
 its graphical representation. I'm not sure that you want this feature in

 Probably the way to achieve this correctly would be, like you said, to
 return markup from a property value by using an expression (like in
 MapTip). But this would be a new feature and not a bugfix.

 So I suggest to close this ticket like it is...

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion/ticket/312#comment:4>
Fusion <http://trac.osgeo.org/fusion>
Fusion is a web-mapping application development framework for MapServer and MapGuide OS.

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