[fusion-users] HTML in selection results?

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Fri Aug 15 11:06:18 EDT 2008

Paul wrote:

> alter table properties add column PropertyReport;
> update properties set PropertyReport = ...


To Fusion (or MapGuide for that matter), these calculated columns look
no different than a regular data source; it just creates a new feature
class that can be addressed instead of the default feature class.
Basically the same as Alter Table or Create View.  For clarity, I should
have just left that part out of my question :)

I can see a selection rendering plugin solving this problem though, as
long as it allows you to choose columns not to display.  For instance, I
might not want to show the property ID in the selection attribute list,
but use it to create links to the two reports.

Is there the equivalent of html_entity_decode in JavaScript?

I'm just glad that the maptips code allows me to include HTML... please
don't change this ;)


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