[fusion-users] Timeouts and map/layer loading.

Tómas Guðmundsson tomas at snertill.is
Wed Jul 9 11:41:54 EDT 2008

Hi all.


I am trying to dynamically create a fly-out menu based on some layers in my map. However, I have this function that runs through all the layers and layer groups and adds all the layers to an Array based on a prefix . And I have it print out every time it is being called (it's recursive). When I do it in the "initialize" function it only prints out twice. If I do it upon button press (i.e. the map is fully loaded) it prints out 6 times.  So just for giggles I tried the "setTimeout" function but then it didn't recognize the function that was part of Fusion. So I'm wandering, how can I make it wait so that it doesn't go searching through the whole of the layer groups until they are all fully loaded? Any ideas ?


Kind regards,


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