[fusion-users] Checking layers in the legend not working correctly

Bernhard Schneider bernhard.schneider at ilu.ch
Mon Jun 9 02:29:25 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

After starting the Fusion map application that I'm currently working  
at, the visibility of the map layers and the status in the legend are  
in synch, that is, all map layers that are checked in the legend and  
only these are visible in the map. However, if I uncheck a map layer,  
it remains visible in the map, if I check it again, it's gone from the  
map only to reappear when I uncheck it. I can reproduce this behaviour  
with all map layers and map groups.

I tried to track the problem down, and it may be in the functions  
show() and hide() of Fusion.Maps.MapServer.Layer and  
Fusion.Maps.MapServer.Group. (I'm using MapServer 5.something.) In the  
four functions, redrawing of the map is triggered through  
showLayer(..), hideLayer(..) and showGroup(..), hideGroup(..),  
respectively. Then, statements that change the value of the visibility  
flag follow. I suspect that the latter statement should occur before  
(!) that calls showLayer(..), etc. I tested it, and it fixed the  
problem. Am I missing something?

Should I post this to the Fusion-Dev list?


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