[fusion-users] calling query() method from another window
Tómas Guðmundsson
tomas at snertill.is
Wed Jun 25 06:21:44 EDT 2008
Hi again.
I've just gotten back to this problem. What I tried to do is I found a package in the map, and I used an identifier that we use which is called TENGINR. I also noted a bounding box coordinates In x and y to pass along. This is my options array.
var options = {};
options.selectionType = 'INTERSECTS';
options.geometry = "POLYGON((-20020.500 12622.1736, -20020.500 13033.2695, -18907.7325 13033.2695, -18907.7325 0.005797101449276809, -75.58840579710144 12622.1736))";
options.maxFeatures = 0;
options.layers = 'hus'
options.filter = 'TENGINR = 100016700140';
Now, I've tried and debugged Query.php and this is what I get. First we get the REQUEST array, which is correct.
[filter] => TENGINR = 100016700140
[layers] => hus
[mapname] => kopavogsbaer486217dfddd16
[maxfeatures] => 0
[session] => d78d7550-ffff-ffff-8000-00000000b8fb_en_7F0000010AF20AF10AF0
[spatialfilter] => POLYGON((-20020.500 12622.1736, -20020.500 13033.2695, -18907.7325 13033.2695, -18907.7325 0.005797101449276809, -75.58840579710144 12622.1736))
[variant] => INTERSECTS
[PHPSESSID] => d78d7550-ffff-ffff-8000-00000000b8fb-en-7F0000010AF20AF10AF0
[_ASPXAUTH] => DCD7E4D6BF85EED759ED9B249B6C77897AEDA988CDA9FFF298FF3CE3E73D931EC2C777103B1DD88472C02B6CCAFD73086707A610D36F153DFCF1A2BE8FBFE00D1D6A48727480EA4333C38749AA8D720D
[ASP_NET_SessionId] => rwjfzkuxr2t5x2mqtz2srhql
Then I get this:
<!-- filter: TENGINR = 100016700140 -->
spatial filter is POLYGON((-20020.500 12622.1736, -20020.500 13033.2695, -18907.7325 13033.2695, -18907.7325 0.005797101449276809, -75.58840579710144 12622.1736))<BR>stdClass Object
[layers] => Array
[0] => hus
[hus] => stdClass Object
[propertynames] => Array
[0] => TENGINR
[propertyvalues] => Array
[0] => TENGINR
[propertytypes] => Array
[0] => 9
[1] => 9
[numelements] => 0
[values] => Array
[metadatanames] => Array
[0] => dimension
[1] => bbox
[2] => center
[3] => area
[4] => length
And finally I get the very disappointing result:
I'm trying this with definitive values from the map and the map layer but nothing happens. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?
From: Vitor Fortunato [mailto:sapucaiatotal at gmail.com]
Sent: 6. júní 2008 11:23
To: Tómas Guðmundsson
Cc: Paul Spencer; fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [fusion-users] calling query() method from another window
thanks Paul, I will try that later...
You have to create an array for the options:
var options = {};
options.selectionType = 'INTERSECTS';
options.geometry = "POLYGON((-75.58840579710144 -10.755072463768112, -61.16086956521739 -10.755072463768112, -61.16086956521739 0.005797101449276809, -75.58840579710144 0.005797101449276809, -75.58840579710144 -10.755072463768112))";
options.maxFeatures = 0;
options.filter = "gid=1"
options.layers = 'States';
BUT, Fusion doesn't use the options.filter yet... to make a query by filter you need to change a line code of the query.php file (Fusion\mapserver|mapguide\php\query.php):
search for the line bellow at the code (it only query by shape):
if (@$oLayer->queryByShape($oSpatialFilter) == MS_SUCCESS) {
change it to:
if (@$oLayer->queryByAttributes($field, $filter, MS_MULTIPLE) == MS_SUCCESS) {
see you
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 6:30 AM, Tómas Guðmundsson <tomas at snertill.is> wrote:
In related matters, does anyone know of a resource that can tell me how to query? I do have a certain layer or a certain map I want to query against, but I don't know the format of a query string for map.query(). I see that Paul sent some options so maybe I need an options variable to search by ? Is there anywhere in the fusion code where this is done so I can see what parameters options has ?
-----Original Message-----
From: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Paul Spencer
Sent: 6. júní 2008 01:37
To: Vitor Fortunato
Cc: fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [fusion-users] calling query() method from another window
Hi Vitor,
you need to get the map in a slightly different way:
var map = window.opener.Fusion.getWidgetById('map'); //or whatever
your map div id is
On 5-Jun-08, at 8:40 PM, Vitor Fortunato wrote:
> Hi list!
> I am trying to call the query() method from a new window opened by a
> widget.
> In execute method of the widget I have the code bellow:
> execute : function() {
> var Url = 'qb.html';
> winQb = window.open(Url, 'New window',
> 'toolbar
> =
> no
> ,menubar
> =
> no
> ,location
> =no,resizable=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=900,height=540');
> }
> when the widget is executed it pops up a new window. I am trying to
> execute the query method from this new window. I've tried to code
> something, but still with no success:
> code of the new window:
> <script>
> var options = {};
> options.filter = 'gid in (1, 2, 3)';
> options.layers = 'Estados';
> window.opener.Fusion.Widget.Map.query(options);
> //also tried to get the caller widget:
> // var myWidObj = new window.opener.Fusion.Widget.Pqb();
> </script>
> thanks in advance
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Paul Spencer
Chief Technology Officer
DM Solutions Group Inc
fusion-users mailing list
fusion-users at lists.osgeo.org
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