[fusion-users] use OpenLayersCompressed?

Mike Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Nov 4 09:24:57 EST 2008


I wouldn't count on the useCompressed flag in fusion.js to do anything 
useful now, that is a left-over form earlier attempts to load compressed 
files and should probably be removed.  Our current line of thinking for 
using compressed files is to use the singleFile build target in the Ant 
build script (fusion/build.xml) which combines all the required files 
(including OpenLayers) into a single .js file and then compresses that 
file for use in your applications.  

Of course you could also just compress the version of OL in Fusion if 
you wanted to leave the rest of it uncompressed, as long as the file 
name stays the same.


Måns Beckman wrote:
> Hi,
> Even if we turn on useCompressed in fusion 1.1 it will load 
> OpenLayers.js and not OpenLayersCompressed.js. Is there a reason for 
> this or just a mistake? We save a lot of bandwidth if we use 
> OpenLayersCompressed.
> Cheers
> Måns
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Måns Beckman
> Man and Machine
> Fabriksgatan 13
> 412 50 Göteborg
> Phone: +46 31 - 762 8182
> Mobile: +46 733 - 38 83 19
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   Michael Adair
   Senior Software Architect
   DM Solutions Group Inc.

   Office: (613) 565-5056 x26
   madair at dmsolutions.ca

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