[fusion-users] Simple question about MapGuide tiling

Andrew Parker andrew at source3.com
Thu Nov 6 09:34:26 EST 2008


I do not have an answer for you.  But I am starting work on a similar 
problem today and would like to have a solution by next Wednesday.  
Below is a brief description of what I am trying to do.  FYI: I am not a 
developer so I have no idea how to go about doing this; but I have a 
programmer to turn to for help.

I am running Fusion for MapServer.  I have not installed Mapguide OS.  I 
want to enable tiling for this site:  http://pitrule.source3.com.  And 
change my "Base Map" group in the Legend from checkboxes (overlay) to 
radio buttons (basemap). 

All the threads I have seen talks about using MapGuide, but I have not 
found any howto's or suggestions to implement tiling for Fusion for 
MapServer.  I am clearly not understanding something.

Lastly, when I figure out how to do this, I will be creating a howto.  
In addition, I will create a new topic for my progress as I do not want 
to impose on your thread.

Good luck and if I see a solution for your issue I will let you know.

~  Andrew

gingerbbm wrote:
> Right, well I found this thread:
> http://n2.nabble.com/Fusion---Base-layers-questions...-td1303997.html
> So again I need to find a workaround...

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