[fusion-users] Fusion 2 and Cyrillic

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Jul 8 13:50:28 EDT 2009

this got bounced by the listserv, resending ...

> From: Stefan Dalakov <s.dalakov at mapware.net>
> Date: July 8, 2009 1:23:01 PM GMT-04:00
> To: fusion-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [fusion-users] Fusion 2 and Cyrillic
> Hi Alexander,
> 1) It seems to me, that after editing the ApplicationDefinition.xml,  
> the file was not saved with utf-8 encoding
> 2) The set of shp files can contain a .cpg  file, which specifies  
> the code page. Some people claim that this works with MapGuide,  
> perhaps also with mapserver. You can give it a try
> Good luck
> Stefan Dalakov
> Paul Spencer wrote:
>> Hi Alexander,
>> I'm not an expert or even a novice really in displaying alternate  
>> charsets in web browsers, but I think you need to specify something  
>> in a meta tag somewhere to tell the browser to use a different  
>> encoding (try http://bit.ly/v9XLM perhaps).
>> I believe there is also some way of specifying encoding in  
>> mapserver but I cannot recall what it is - you probably should ask  
>> about that on the mapserver-users list.
>> We'll help with any code changes that are required to generate  
>> alternate charset output from fusion php scripts and I would really  
>> appreciate feedback from your efforts on this list so others can  
>> learn from your experience.
>> Cheers
>> Paul
>> On 8-Jul-09, at 7:03 AM, akotsev at gea.uni-sofia.bg wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I decided to write to the mailing list because I have been  
>>> suffering in
>>> changing the interface to Cyrillic for over a week. What I need is  
>>> to be
>>> able to display in Cyrillic is:
>>> 1)    Elements of the interface – I have already some partial  
>>> results with
>>> tooltips and certain elements of the interface after editing  
>>> strings.json,
>>> but haven’t unfortunately succeeded with Labels in the
>>> ApplicationDefinition.xml (see how it appears for the Help button  
>>> on the
>>> link below)
>>> 2)    Search from query of several shapefiles in Cyrillic (some  
>>> fields
>>> contain Cyrillic letters). Apache telling the browser what  
>>> encoding to use
>>> would probably do this, however I have only succeeded viewing the
>>> attribute content after manually changing the browser encoding to  
>>> cp-1251
>>> (Windows Cyrillic encoding).
>>> 3)    Layer names – I need the names of the layers to display in  
>>> Cyrillic and
>>> what happens is that after changing the NAME in the .MAP file I am  
>>> able to
>>> see them in the Fusion legend but the geographic content won’t  
>>> display at
>>> all.
>>> I would be very grateful for any answers concerning the questions  
>>> above. I
>>> am using Fusion 2 beta and mapserver 5.2.2 on a FC9 Linux machine  
>>> with
>>> everything working excellent while using it in English. An example  
>>> is
>>> available at
>>> Any help is much appreciated.
>>> Alexander Kotsev,
>>> GIS department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
>>> Bulgaria
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>>   Paul Spencer
>>   Chief Technology Officer
>>   DM Solutions Group Inc
>>   http://research.dmsolutions.ca/
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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