[fusion-users] Fusion for MapServer in Windows
edikaradumi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 06:19:22 EDT 2010
I have made an application with mapserver and c#, but now im moving in
Fusion. I am having troubles with the example in the fusion tutorial. I have
extracted the fusion files in C:\ms4w\apps and the index.html and
applicationdefinition in the apache\htdocs\demo folder. when i run the
http://localhost/demo the widgets show but i cant see the map. i can see a
worning in my chrome browser with inspect element and it says:
Fusion.Strings.en = {
'scriptFailed': 'failed to load script: ${script}',
'configParseError': 'Error parsing fusion configuration file, initialization
'configLoadError': 'Error loading fusion configuration file, initialization
'ajaxError': 'Exception occurred in AJAX callback.\nMessage:
${exception}\nLocation: ${filename} (${line})\nResponse: ${response}',
'importFailed': 'failed to import stylesheet: ${url}',
'registerEventError': 'Error registering eventID, invalid (empty) eventID.',
'appDefLoadFailed': 'failed to load: ${script}',
'appDefParseError': 'failed to parse ApplicationDefinition',
'widgetSetParseError': 'failed to parse the WidgetSet',
'fusionError': 'Fusion Error: ${type}\n${message}',
'nullExtents': 'Map.setExtents called with null extents',
'mapLoadError': 'Failed to load requested map:\n${error}',
'setLayersError': "setLayers failure: ${error}",
'printTitle': 'Printable Page ',
'noSelection': 'No Selection',
'selectionInfo': '${features} features selected on ${layers} layers',
'attribute': 'Attribute',
'value': 'Value',
'taskHome': 'return to the task pane home',
'prevTask': 'go to previous task executed',
'nextTask': 'go to next task executed',
'taskList': 'Task List',
'taskPane': 'Task Pane',
'imperial': 'Imperial',
'metric': 'Metric',
'deg': 'Degrees',
'refresh': 'Refresh',
'expandAll': 'Expand All',
'expand': 'Expand',
'collapseAll': 'Collapse All',
'collapse': 'Collapse',
'defaultMapTitle': 'Map',
'legendTitle': 'Legend',
'selectionPanelTitle': 'Selection',
'ovmapTitle': 'Overview Map',
'ovmapTitleShort': 'Overview',
'taskPaneTitle': 'Tasks',
'segment': 'Segment ${seg}',
'calculating': 'calculating ...',
'panWest': 'Pan West',
'panEast': 'Pan East',
'panSouth': 'Pan South',
'panNorth': 'Pan North',
'zoomOut': 'Zoom Out',
'zoomIn': 'Zoom In',
'end': ''
can anyone help me, i cant find any answer for this error
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Fusion-for-MapServer-in-Windows-tp5320494p5320494.html
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