[gdal-dev] Compiling on cygwin

Norman Vine nhv at y...
Tue Nov 6 19:14:52 EST 2001

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 Frank Warmerdam writes:
>Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Is there anything special I need to do to get gdal compiled on cygwin?
>I have never run into this problem, and I am not sure where
>is being called from. Note that I have never tried using ECW from within
>Cygwin. I didn't realize you were supposed to be able to call out to
>DLLs without doing something special.

Hi Frank

Recent versions of ld 'might' link with 'C' dll's but NOT C++ dlls
I will investigate ECW when I get a chance

attached find some cygwin makefile mods
note that I can build a Cygwin pymod extension

I can build a libgdal.dll but I still have to manually
change the SO_EXT = in the GDALmake.opt file

I didn't see where this was being set in the configure.in script

$ python
Python 2.1.1 (#19, Oct 22 2001, 14:56:28)
[GCC 2.95.3-5 (cygwin special)] on cygwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import gdal
>>> dir(gdal)
['Band', 'ColorTable', 'ComputeMedianCutPCT', 'Dataset', 'Debug',
'DitherRGB2PCT', 'Driver', 'ErrorReset', 'GA_ReadOnly'
, 'GA_Update', 'GCI_AlphaBand', 'GCI_BlackBand', 'GCI_BlueBand',
'GCI_CyanBand', 'GCI_GrayIndex', 'GCI_GreenBand', 'GCI_
HueBand', 'GCI_LightnessBand', 'GCI_MagentaBand', 'GCI_PaletteIndex',
'GCI_RedBand', 'GCI_SaturationBand', 'GCI_Undefine
d', 'GCI_YellowBand', 'GCP', 'GDT_Byte', 'GDT_CFloat32', 'GDT_CFloat64',
'GDT_CInt16', 'GDT_CInt32', 'GDT_Float32', 'GDT
_Float64', 'GDT_Int16', 'GDT_Int32', 'GDT_UInt16', 'GDT_UInt32',
'GDT_Unknown', 'GF_Read', 'GF_Write', 'GPI_CMYK', 'GPI_
Gray', 'GPI_HLS', 'GPI_RGB', 'GetCacheMax', 'GetCacheUsed',
'GetColorInterpretationName', 'GetDataTypeName', 'GetDataTyp
eSize', 'GetDriverByName', 'GetDriverList', 'GetLastErrorMsg',
'GetLastErrorNo', 'GetPaletteInterpretationName', 'Open',
'RGBFile2PCTFile', 'SetCacheMax', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__',
'__name__', '_gdal']


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