OGR and GML?

Ben Discoe ben at v...
Thu Jul 11 07:46:07 EDT 2002

Frank, could you comment briefly on where OGR support for GML is at?

I am facing the prospect of writing my own GML parser(s), which as you know
is quite a daunting task. Since we're already using OGR, i have high hopes
that it could do some or most of the GML work for us.

It would be totally fine if, at first, it only reads GML 'naively' without
examining the schema.

Also - if is there a mailing list more appropriate for this question than
gdal-dev, let me know.

Some background on the situation: I've taken a full-time position with VFNY
(http://www.vfny.org/) whose main project is a GML-based WFS, and
simulaneously running the VTP, whose ad-hoc formats are attempting to
migrate towards GML.


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