[Gdal-dev] Fwd: Re: Support for ASTER AST_07 products

Gerald Buckmaster gbuckmaster at cox.net
Fri Jun 13 02:29:27 EDT 2003

Hmm...maybe I should have been subscribed sooner...

Anyone else having trouble with ASTER Level 2 Surface Reflectance products?

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: Support for ASTER AST_07 products
Date: Thursday 12 June 2003 07:43 pm
From: Gerald Buckmaster <gbuckmaster at cox.net>
To: openev-discuss at lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: Andrey Kiselev <dron at ak4719.spb.edu>


First, I am not a C/C++ programmer, nor very smart about compiling code so
mostly stabbing in the dark here.

After reviewing hdf4dataset.h, hdf4imagedataset.cpp, and hdf4dataset.cpp,
it appears to me AST_07 ASTER Level 2 Surface Reflectance products are
specifically NOT supported yet, unlike ASTER_L1A, ASTER_L1B, and others. It
also appears one reason I am able to open and extract bands is because the
poDS->iDataType and pszDataType is being handled as  "UNKNOWN".  I would be
hard-pressed to extract bands using gdal_translate without knowing the
SubdatasetTypes were "UNKNOWN".

I double-checked my gdalinfo against L1B and L1A and GeoTIFFs produced with
gdal_translate from HDF.  No problems...just faulting on AST_07 products.
gdal_translate also does not appear to be extracting the projection or
coordinates from the AST_07 metadata.

I've included a vbscript that I and others wrote to handle various forms of
ASTER, including AST_07.  Don't know if it will help, but it may give you
some additional ideas.  plaster was really just a cli frontend to other
executables (in Windoze) to ease the extraction, georeferencing and merging
of ASTER image bands from hdf files.  If I remember right, AST_07 bandnames
are Band1, Band2, Band3N, etc.

HTH and thanks for all your hard work.


On Thursday 12 June 2003 08:54 am, Gerald Buckmaster wrote:
> Andrey,
> I uploaded the gdalinfo output for a ASTER L1B dataset that was acting
> strangely.  it is at ftp.remotesensing.org/incoming/aster-l1b.txt
> I am actually using the nightly build from the 10th of June.
> The bzip2 brought the AST_07 dataset that includes SWIR and TIR bands down
> to 13mb.  Much better than 78mb!  Hope this doesn't clog your pipes too
> long. Unfortunately, I'm not technically skilled enough to extract only the
> TIR bands into a separate HDF...and that would probably negate
> troubleshooting anyway.
> You can find the AST_07 also at ftp.remotesensing.org/incoming/
> Thanks for the quick response!
> Gerald
> On Thursday 12 June 2003 07:14 am, you wrote:
> > Gerald,
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 06:39:49AM -0700, Gerald Buckmaster wrote:
> > > I noticed gdal_translate georeferences ASTER L1B HDF-EOS products very
> > > nicely, though there tends to be a initial display bug in
> > > OpenEV...something to do with what corner to start counting pixels
> > > from.
> >
> > It is very strange and should not happen. OpenEV works good for me, but
> > it is possible there is a bug in HDF4 code. Could you show me gdalinfo
> > output for those ASTER L1B dataset?
> >
> > > My real need, and I believe most public consumers of ASTER need, is the
> > > ability to do the same with ASTER Level 2 surface reflectance data set
> > > (AST07) products...gdal_translate works, but without interrogating the
> > > metadata and georeferencing. In fact, gdalinfo
> > > gives me a Segmentation fault runtime on AST07 HDF files.
> >
> > Very bad. What GDAL version do you have?
> >
> > Regarding AST_07 datasets: it will be good if you will upload sample
> > file into incoming. Try to compress it with bzip2, it should get some
> > effect. 90m dataset will be enough for me, I shall manage to order other
> > samples myself.
> >
> > 					Regards,
> > 					Andrey


-------------- next part --------------
' VBScript to process ASTER Satellite Imagery
' Written by Gerald Buckmaster, www.imagery-analyst.com
' Version 1.6 - 08 April 2002

' Version History

' v1.8 - 20 Aug 02 -	Recoded to handle AST_07 SurfaceReflectance product
' v1.6 - 08 Apr 02 -    Loose code optimized by Emilio, merged with previous enhancements of v1.5.2
'                              Fixed 'projection initialization failure by adding +ellps=clrk66 to proj.exe commandline
'                              Eliminated need to for ensuring batchproj.bat is included; script writes, executes, and deletes batchproj.bat

' v1.5.2 - 06 Apr 02 - Fixed script to determine processing level via coremetadata.0 vs. filename
'                              Combined Subs Geocode_VNIR_Bands(), Geocode_SWIR_Bands(), Geocode_TIR_Bands()
'                              into 1 subroutine called Geocode_Bands().
'                              Re-wrote subroutine Geocode_Image(BandNumber, SENSOR) to handle any band.
'                              Added Remove_A_File() to clean out the non-georeferenced tiff files.
'                              Added Command Line Argument processing - no longer need to edit this script

' v1.5.1 - 02 Apr 02 - Combined improvements below by G. Nelson and E. Mayorga

' v1.5 - 01 Apr 02 - Modified by Gerald Nelson
'              Moved user-editable constants closer to top of script, added comments and a
'              and a detailed seperate readmefirst.txt file.

' v1.4 - 15 Feb 02 - Added support for processing L1B Expedited Product. Fixed "double-negative"
'                    MAPORIENTATIONANGLE bug.

' 1.3.1- 06 Feb 02 - Modified by Emilio Mayorga
'              Added extraction of TIR bands. Made some minor changes also; mostly cosmetic,
'              but also fixed one apparent mistake with the name of the subroutine
'              Render_GeoTiff_CartesianType_PointFile

' v1.3 - 16 Jan 02 - Adjusted PullMapOrientation() to use a default -10 degrees in case the
'                    Metadata keyword MAPORIENTATIONANGLE or the seemingly rarer SCENEORIENTATIONANGLE 
'                    is not found.  -10 degrees seems to be a fair average orientation angle.

' v1.2 - 15 Jan 02 - Able to extract map orientation from Level-1B and conduct transformation
'                    This rotates the image north up.  We are now able to geocode in either
'                    geographic lat-longs or utm cartesian coordinates 

' v1.1 - 08 Jan 02 - Modified to process level 2 ASTER hdf files: AST_06V and AST_06S

' v1.0 - 06 Jan 02 - Initial working release of PLASTER.VBS works with level 1b ASTER hdf files

' This script accomplishes the following:
' Examines metadata from ASTER HDF files.
' Determines Level of Processing and Band Availability.
' Extracts and writes geographic coordinates to an ASCII file.
' Extracts map orientation angle.
' Provides a choice between rendering cartesian or lat-long coordinate system
' Calculates hemisphere and UTM zone.
' Converts the geographic coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
' Renders a geotiff modeltransformation definition file.
' Renders a geotiff four-corner tiepoint definition file.
' Extracts individual image bands to TIFF format.
' Geocodes each TIFF with definition file.

' This script assumes the following files are in your system with appropriate paths:
'   vbscript file         - this file

'   cscript.exe         - Windows Scripting Host Command Line Interface
'                             Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001.

'   hdp.exe              - a HDF command-line utility
'                        ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF/HDF/HDF_Current/zip/utilities/hdp.exe
'                        Copyright 1988-1999 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

'   proj.exe             - a geographic projection command-line utility
'                        ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/proj/from_kai/DOS-PJ433.zip

'   hdfbrowse.exe      - a HDF command-line utility that extracts tif images from HDF
'                        http://www.scanex.ru/downloads/eostools/hdfbrowse.zip
'                        Copyright (C) 2001 R&D center ScanEx.

'   geotifcp.exe       - a utility to convert TIF to GeoTIFF
'                        http://www.possys.com/utilities.html

'   gdal_merge.py      - python script by Frank Warmerdam packaged with OpenEV
'                        Needed only if you want a single multiband GeoTiff file by not using
'                        the command line flag -s
'                        http://openev.sourceforge.net/

'   The OpenEV version must be 1.41+ in order to ensure the correct gdal_merge.py is present.

Const OPENEV_HOME = "C:\openev_fw\"
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
Const pi = 3.1415926535897932
Const DegToMeters = 111111.111     ' meters -> degrees conversion factor
Const VNIR = 0, SWIR = 1, TIR = 2  ' Band Group Indices
Const BandGroupTot = 3
Const BandTot = 15

dim strOutputFile
dim strMetaFile
dim strShellCmd
dim UTMZone
dim Hemi_1
dim Hemi_2
Dim cartesian_file
Dim Cart_Coord_UL
Dim Cart_Coord_UR
Dim Cart_Coord_LL
Dim Cart_Coord_LR
Dim proj_def_file
Dim Geog_Coord_UL
Dim Geog_Coord_UR
Dim Geog_Coord_LL
Dim Geog_Coord_LR
Dim strCoordFile
Dim SDSString
Dim MapRotRads
Dim Processing_Level
Dim BandGroupIdx, BandIdx
Dim PixResScl, GeoTiffCoordPar
Dim bBandGroupProcess(3)
Dim BandGroupName
Dim BandGroupRows, BandGroupCols
Dim BandGroupBandStart, BandGroupBandEnd
Dim PixRES_meters
Dim BandName
Dim BaseFilePath

Dim Rendered_File_Count
Dim GDAL_Input(14)
Dim strHDFname
Dim drvPath
Dim drvDestPath
Dim GeographicType
Dim ModelTransformation
Dim MergeBands 
Dim objArgs
Dim TmpFileCnt
Dim TempFileList(10)

' ASTER Sensor and Dataset defaults
BandGroupName = Array("VNIR","SWIR","TIR")
BandGroupRows = Array(4200,2100,700)
BandGroupCols = Array(4980,2490,830)
PixRES_meters = Array(15,30,90)
BandGroupBandStart = Array(0,4,10)
BandGroupBandEnd   = Array(2,9,14)
BandName = Array("1","2","3N","3B","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14")
TmpFileCnt = 0

' cscript plaster16.vbs -fhdfname -iinputpath -ooutputpath [-g] [-t] [-s] [-evo|eso|eto|evs|est|etv]
'     0   1              2         3           4             5    6    7    8
' -f (name of hdf file)
' -i (directory of input hdf file)
' -o (directory for output files)
' -g (use geographic coordinate system vs. UTM cartesian system - the assumed default)
' -t (use ModelTiepointTag vs. ModelTransformationTag - the assumed default)
' -s (separate bands extraction (no merge) vs. merge of bands selected for processing - the assumed default)

' All bands are extracted if flags below are not utilized
' -evo (extract VNIR only)*
' -eso (extract SWIR only)
' -eto (extract TIR only)
' -evs (extract VNIR & SWIR)*
' -est (extract SWIR & TIR)
' -etv (extract TIR & VNIR)*

' * Band 3B is not processed

' Default Settings
GeographicType = False ' use optional -g flag to use geographic coordinate system
ModelTransformation = True ' use optional -t flag to use ModelTiePointTag
MergeBands = True ' use optional -s flag to prevent merging of extracted bands into a single GeoTIFF

' use optional flags -evo, -eso, -eto, -evs, -est, -etv to control which bands are extracted

bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = True
bBandGroupProcess(SWIR) = True
bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = True

'Parse out the Command Line Arguments

Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments

For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1

	Select Case left(objArgs.Item(I),2)
		Case "-f"
			strHDFname = mid(objArgs.Item(I),3)
		Case "-i"
			drvPath = mid(objArgs.Item(I),3)
			If right(drvPath,1) <> "\" then drvPath = drvPath & "\"
		Case "-o"
			drvDestPath = mid(objArgs.Item(I),3)
			If right(drvDestPath,1) <> "\" then drvDestPath = drvDestPath & "\"
		Case "-g"
			GeographicType = True
		Case "-t"
			ModelTransformation = False
		Case "-s"
			MergeBands = False
		Case "-e"
			Select Case left(objArgs.Item(I),4)
				Case "-evo"
					BNDFLAG = "V"
					bBandGroupProcess(SWIR) = False
					bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False
				Case "-eso"
					BNDFLAG = "S"
					bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = False
					bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False
				Case "-eto"
					BNDFLAG = "T"
					BSTPROJ = "TIR"
					bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = False
					bBandGroupProcess(SWIR)  = False
				Case "-evs"
					BNDFLAG = "VS"
					bBandGroupProcess(TIR) = False
				Case "-est"
					BNDFLAG = "ST"
					bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = False
				Case "-etv"
					BNDFLAG = "VT"
					bBandGroupProcess(SWIR) = False
			End Select
	End Select


' Check for missing mandatory arguments
If strHDFname ="" Then
	Wscript.Echo "Missing the -f argument...you need to provide the name of the HDF file." 
End If

If drvPath ="" Then
	Wscript.Echo "Missing the -i argument...you need to provide the entire path to the HDF file." 
End If

If drvDestPath ="" Then
	Wscript.Echo "Missing the -o argument...you need to an output path for the resulting GeoTIFF files." 
End If

Rendered_File_Count = 0 ' initialize the count

BaseFilePath = drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_"

' Determine Level of Processing represented in HDF file
strMeta = "coremetadata.0"
Extract_MetaData (strMeta)
Processing_Level = PullShortName (strMetaFile, "SHORTNAME")

' No matter what bands the user asked for, some bands will not be available
' At the same time, we cannot dictate what bands the user wants processed
' This filter could still be improved by parsing metadata for actual bands present

Select Case Processing_Level

	Case "AST_07"	'Added 2002-08-19 for processing Surface Reflectance Product

		'Situation: AST_07 product arrives in two hdf files, separating
		'			VNIR and SWIR, but AST_07 is used in each file.

		strMeta = "productmetadata.0"
		Extract_MetaData (strMeta)
		Processed_Bands = PullShortName (strMetaFile, "PROCESSEDBANDS")
		if Processed_Bands = "XXXXXXXX040506070809XXXXXXXXXX" then
				bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = False
				bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False
		end if
		if Processed_Bands = "01023NXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" then
				bBandGroupProcess(SWIR) = False
				bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False
		end if

	Case "AST_06V"
		bBandGroupProcess(SWIR) = False
		bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False

	Case "AST_06S"
		bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = False
		bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False

	Case "ASTL1B"
		' Every band could actually be available for processing 
End Select

' Extract coordinates from HDF file - writes a text file for further processing
	strMeta = "productmetadata.0"
	Extract_MetaData (strMeta)

' Find and stores geographic latitudes and longitudes to arrays
Read_Geographic_Coords Geog_Coord_UL, "UPPERLEFT"
Read_Geographic_Coords Geog_Coord_UR, "UPPERRIGHT"
Read_Geographic_Coords Geog_Coord_LL, "LOWERLEFT"
Read_Geographic_Coords Geog_Coord_LR, "LOWERRIGHT"

' Write Latitude-Longitude coordinates to file
strCoordFile = BaseFilePath & "coords.txt"
WriteCoordFile strCoordFile

' Pull Map Orientation data & determine proper radian
MapRotRads = (pi/180) * PullMapOrientation(strMetaFile)

If GeographicType = True Then 'user wants images with geographic coordinate system (latitude longitude pairs)
  PixResScl       = 1 / DegToMeters
  GeoTiffCoordPar = 0
Else ' User wants images projected to utm cartesians (eastings & northings)
  PixResScl       = 1
  GeoTiffCoordPar = 1

	If Trim(Geog_Coord_UL(1)) > 0 then ' Determine hemisphere of image location - either north or south
		Hemi_1 = "north"
		Hemi_2 = "N"
		Hemi_1 = "south"
		Hemi_2 = "S"
	End if

  ' Convert Latitude-Longitude pairs to UTM Cartesians
	UTMZone = Calculate_UTM_Zone(Geog_Coord_LL(0), Geog_Coord_UR(0))
	Convert_LatLon_2_Cartesians Hemi_1, UTMZone, strCoordFile ' added missing Hemi_1 08 April 02
End If

'Create temporary GeoTIFF projection definition file for each Band Group requested
If ModelTransformation = True Then   ' We are using rotation factor
 For BandGroupIdx = 0 To BandGroupTot - 1
   If bBandGroupProcess(BandGroupIdx) = True Then
     PIX_COORDS(0) = PixResScl * PixRES_meters(BandGroupIdx) * sin(MapRotRads)
     PIX_RES       = PixResScl * PixRES_meters(BandGroupIdx) * cos(MapRotRads)

     Render_GeoTiff_File BandGroupName(BandGroupIdx)
   End If
Else                                 ' We are using tiepoints for corner coordinates
 For BandGroupIdx = 0 To BandGroupTot - 1
   If bBandGroupProcess(BandGroupIdx) = True Then
     PIX_COORDS(0) = GeoTiffCoordPar & " " & GeoTiffCoordPar & " 0"
     PIX_COORDS(1) = BandGroupCols(BandGroupIdx) & " " & GeoTiffCoordPar & " 0"
     PIX_COORDS(2) = GeoTiffCoordPar & " -" & BandGroupRows(BandGroupIdx) & " 0"
     PIX_COORDS(3) = BandGroupCols(BandGroupIdx) & " -" & BandGroupRows(BandGroupIdx) & " 0"
     PIX_RES       = PixResScl * PixRES_meters(BandGroupIdx)

     Render_GeoTiff_File BandGroupName(BandGroupIdx)
   End If
End If

' Here's the magic, courtesy of hdfbrowse and geotifcp

For BandGroupIdx = 0 To BandGroupTot - 1
  If bBandGroupProcess(BandGroupIdx) = True Then
    Extract_ASTER_Bands BandGroupIdx
    Geocode_Bands BandGroupIdx
  End If

' More magic, if you want a single, multiband GeoTIFF
If  MergeBands = True Then
	strShellCmd = drvDestPath & strHDFname & ".bat"
	RunShell strShellCmd
End If

' Clean Up unnecessary files

	' Remove all the individual band files geotiff files
	For X =  1  To Rendered_File_Count
		Remove_A_File GDAL_Input(X)

    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_TEMPGDAL.tif"
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_cartesians.txt" 
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_coords.txt" 
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_" & BSTPROJ & "_projinfo.txt" 
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & ".bat"
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_batchproj.bat"
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_coremetadata.0.met" 
    Remove_A_File drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_productmetadata.0.met" 

' End of Main Program

' =============================================================================

Sub Extract_MetaData (strMetaName) 
' Added to allow dumping of both coremetadata.0 and productmetadata.0 - modified 06 April 2002 - buckmaster
' Requires presence of hdp.exe in $PATH

	strOutputFile = BaseFilePath & strMetaName & ".met"
	strShellCmd = "hdp dumpvd -n " & strMetaName & " -d -o " & strOutputFile & " -x " & drvPath & strHDFname
	RunShell strShellCmd
	' Clean data of extraneous characters including spaces
	strMetaFile = ReadNewMetaFile(strOutputFile)
	strMetaFile = StripSpaces(strMetaFile)
End Sub

Sub Extract_ASTER_Bands(CurrBGIdx)
' Requires presence of hdfbrowse.exe in $PATH

  For BandIdx = BandGroupBandStart(CurrBGIdx) To BandGroupBandEnd(CurrBGIdx)
    Select Case Processing_Level

		Case "AST_07" 'Added 20020819
			if Processed_Bands = "01023NXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" then
				SDSString = chr(34) & "SurfaceReflectanceVNIR!Data Fields!Band" & BandName(BandIdx) & chr(34)
			end if
			if Processed_Bands = "XXXXXXXX040506070809XXXXXXXXXX" then
				SDSString = chr(34) & "SurfaceReflectanceSWIR!Data Fields!Band" & BandName(BandIdx) & chr(34)
			end if
		Case "ASTL1B"
			SDSString = chr(34) & BandGroupName(CurrBGIdx) & "!" & BandGroupName(CurrBGIdx) & "_Swath!Data Fields!ImageData" & BandName(BandIdx) & chr(34)
		Case "AST_06V"
			SDSString = chr(34) & "DecorrelationStretchVNIR!Data Fields!Band" & BandName(BandIdx) & chr(34)
		Case "AST_06S"
			SDSString = chr(34) & "DecorrelationStretchSWIR!Data Fields!Band" & BandName(BandIdx) & chr(34)

	End Select

    ' Extract image band from ANY level of hdf
    strShellCmd = "hdfbrowse.exe -f" & drvPath & strHDFname & " -o" & drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_" & BandName(BandIdx) & ".tiff -s" & SDSString & " -b1 -d1 -x"
End Sub

Sub Remove_A_File (oldfile) ' Added 06 Apr 02 - buckmaster
' Facilitate the cleanup of unneeded raster and text files temporarily generated
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set a = fso.GetFile(oldfile)
End Sub

Sub Geocode_Bands(CurrBGIdx)

  Dim InTifFile
  Dim OutTifFile
  Dim GeoProjFile

  For BandIdx = BandGroupBandStart(CurrBGIdx) To BandGroupBandEnd(CurrBGIdx)
    InTifFile   = BaseFilePath & BandName(BandIdx) & ".tiff"
    OutTifFile  = BaseFilePath & BandName(BandIdx) & "_geo.tif"
    GeoProjFile = BaseFilePath & BandGroupName(CurrBGIdx) & "_projinfo.txt"

    ' Geocode single existing image with rendered geotiff projection file
    strShellCmd = "geotifcp -g " &  GeoProjFile & " " & InTifFile & " " & OutTifFile
	RunShell strShellCmd
	Remove_A_File InTifFile
	Rendered_File_Count = Rendered_File_Count + 1
	' Populate an array with a file geotiff to be merged with Render_GDAL_Merge_Batch_File
	GDAL_Input(Rendered_File_Count) = OutTifFile

End Sub

Sub Render_GDAL_Merge_Batch_File()
' Requires presence of gdal_merge.py, thus the presence of OpenEV

	' A command is written here to re-geotifcp the merged tif
	' for some reason, gdal_merge.py corrupts the geotiff transformation tag

	Dim strMergeFiles	'list of files to merge
	strMergeFiles = ""	'initially null

	For X =  1  To Rendered_File_Count
		InputCheck = IsNull(GDAL_Input(X))
		' If Array item is not empty, add geotiff filename to merge list
		If InputCheck = False  Then strMergeFiles = strMergeFiles & " " & GDAL_Input(X)

	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set temp_batch = fso.CreateTextFile(drvDestPath & strHDFname & ".bat", True)

	' Write coords to file
	temp_batch.WriteLine "@echo off"
	temp_batch.WriteLine "set OPENEV_HOME=" & OPENEV_HOME
	temp_batch.WriteLine "set OLD_PATH=%PATH%"
	temp_batch.WriteLine "set path=%OPENEV_HOME%\bin;%OPENEV_HOME%\python;%PATH%"
	temp_batch.WriteLine "set PYTHONPATH=%OPENEV_HOME%\pymod;%OPENEV_HOME%\numpy"
	temp_batch.WriteLine "pythonw %OPENEV_HOME%\pymod\gdal_merge.py -o " & BaseFilePath & "TEMPGDAL.tif -v -separate " & strMergeFiles
	' Need to change "VNIR_projinfo.txt " to a variable that is set when determining band choices.
	temp_batch.WriteLine "geotifcp -g " & BaseFilePath & BSTPROJ & "_projinfo.txt " & BaseFilePath & "TEMPGDAL.tif  " & BaseFilePath & BNDFLAG & ".tif"
	temp_batch.WriteLine "set PATH=%OLD_PATH%"

End Sub

Sub Read_Geographic_Coords(Geog_Coords_Corner, Corner)
  ' Find and stores geographic latitudes and longitudes to arrays

  Dim GeogrCoords

  GeogrCoords = Split(PullCoord(strMetaFile, Corner), ",", -1, 1)
  Geog_Coords_Corner = Array(GeogrCoords(1), GeogrCoords(0))
End Sub

Sub Read_Cartesian_Coords()
	'Read in the cartesians from the file written by PROJ earlier
	Dim fso, f
	Dim mytab

	cartesian_file = BaseFilePath &  "cartesians.txt"
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(cartesian_file, 1)
	mytab = Chr(9)

	' coordinate order: upperleft - 0, upperright - 1, lowerleft - 2, lowerright -3
	tempcoord = trim(f.ReadLine)
	Cart_Coord_UL = Split(tempcoord,mytab, -1, 1)
	chopped_length = len(Cart_Coord_UL(1))-1
	Cart_Coord_UL(1) = mid(Cart_Coord_UL(1),1,chopped_length)

	tempcoord = trim(f.ReadLine)
	Cart_Coord_UR = Split(tempcoord,mytab, -1, 1)
	chopped_length = len(Cart_Coord_UR(1))-1
	Cart_Coord_UR(1) = mid(Cart_Coord_UR(1),1,chopped_length)

	tempcoord = trim(f.ReadLine)
	Cart_Coord_LL = Split(tempcoord,mytab, -1, 1)
	chopped_length = len(Cart_Coord_LL(1))-1
	Cart_Coord_LL(1) = mid(Cart_Coord_LL(1),1,chopped_length)

	tempcoord = trim(f.ReadLine)
	Cart_Coord_LR = Split(tempcoord,mytab, -1, 1)
	chopped_length = len(Cart_Coord_LR(1))-1
	Cart_Coord_LR(1) = mid(Cart_Coord_LR(1),1,chopped_length)

End Sub

Sub Render_GeoTiff_File(CurrBGName)
' Will render for any row/column set, pixel set and cartesian UTM coord set
' But you still need to provide those sets...see how to set up variable for
' calling Render_GeoTiff_ProjFile in the code immediately following the call
' to Read_Cartesian_Coords().  Future Feature will allow SELECTIVE PROJECTIONS

 Dim  i, Coord_UL(2), Coord_UR(2), Coord_LL(2), Coord_LR(2)
 Dim  ModelTypeGeoKey, LastLineTypeGeoKey

 If GeographicType = True Then
   For i = 0 To 1
     Coord_UL(i) = Geog_Coord_UL(i)
     Coord_UR(i) = Geog_Coord_UR(i)
     Coord_LL(i) = Geog_Coord_LL(i)
     Coord_LR(i) = Geog_Coord_LR(i)

   ' Setting actual GeoTIFF Tags - completely dependent upon the specification
   ModelTypeGeoKey = "ModelTypeGeographic"
   LastLineTypeGeoKey = "GeographicTypeGeoKey (Short,1): GCS_WGS_84"
   For i = 0 To 1
     Coord_UL(i) = Cart_Coord_UL(i)
     Coord_UR(i) = Cart_Coord_UR(i)
     Coord_LL(i) = Cart_Coord_LL(i)
     Coord_LR(i) = Cart_Coord_LR(i)

   ' Setting actual GeoTIFF Tags - completely dependent upon the specification
   ModelTypeGeoKey = "ModelTypeProjected"
   LastLineTypeGeoKey = "ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey (Short,1): PCS_WGS84_UTM_zone_" & UTMZone & Hemi_2
 End If

 ' Open File for writing
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set proj_def_file = fso.CreateTextFile(drvDestPath & strHDFname & "_" & CurrBGName & "_projinfo.txt", True)

 ' Write coords to file
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "Geotiff_Information:"
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "Version: 1"
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "Key_Revision: 1.0"
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "Tagged_Information:"

 If ModelTransformation = True Then
   proj_def_file.WriteLine "ModelTransformationTag(4,4):"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_RES & " " & PIX_COORDS(0) & " 0 " & Coord_UL(0)
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_COORDS(0) & " -" & PIX_RES & " 0 " & Coord_UL(1)
   proj_def_file.WriteLine "0 0 0 0"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine "0 0 0 1"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine "ModelTiepointTag (8,3):"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_COORDS(0)
   proj_def_file.WriteLine Coord_UL(0) & " " & Coord_UL(1) & " 0"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_COORDS(1)
   proj_def_file.WriteLine Coord_UR(0) & " " & Coord_UR(1) & " 0"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_COORDS(2)
   proj_def_file.WriteLine Coord_LL(0) & " " & Coord_LL(1) & " 0"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_COORDS(3)
   proj_def_file.WriteLine Coord_LR(0) & " " & Coord_LR(1) & " 0"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine "ModelPixelScaleTag (1,3):"
   proj_def_file.WriteLine PIX_RES & " " & PIX_RES & " 0"
 End If

 proj_def_file.WriteLine "End_Of_Tags."
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "Keyed_Information:"
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): " & ModelTypeGeoKey
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea"
 proj_def_file.WriteLine LastLineTypeGeoKey
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "End_Of_Keys."
 proj_def_file.WriteLine "End_Of_Geotiff."

End Sub

Sub Convert_LatLon_2_Cartesians(Hemi_1, UTMZone, strCoordFile)
' Convert Latitude-Longitude pairs to  UTM Cartesians

	'Write batch file
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set temp_batch = fso.CreateTextFile(BaseFilePath & "batchproj.bat", True)
	' Write coords to file
	temp_batch.WriteLine "@echo off"
	temp_batch.WriteLine "proj +proj=utm +" & Hemi_1 & " +zone=" & UTMZone & " -r  +ellps=clrk66 " & strCoordFile & " > "  &  BaseFilePath & "cartesians.txt"

	'Execute batch file
	strShellCmd = BaseFilePath & "batchproj.bat"
	RunShell strShellCmd

End Sub

Sub WriteCommandSyntax()
	Wscript.Echo "cscript plaster16.vbs -fhdfname -iinpath -ooutpath [-g] [-t] [-s] [-evo|eso|eto|evs|est|etv]"
	Wscript.Echo "	-f (name of hdf file)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-i (directory of input hdf file)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-o (directory for output files)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-g (use geographic coordinate system vs. UTM cartesian system - the assumed default)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-t (use ModelTiepointTag vs. ModelTransformationTag - the assumed default)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-s (separate bands extraction (no merge) vs. merge of bands selected for processing - the assumed default)"
	Wscript.Echo "All bands are extracted if no flags below are stated"
	Wscript.Echo "	-evo (extract VNIR only)*"
	Wscript.Echo "	-eso (extract SWIR only)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-eto (extract TIR only)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-evs (extract VNIR & SWIR)*"
	Wscript.Echo "	-est (extract SWIR & TIR)"
	Wscript.Echo "	-etv (extract TIR & VNIR)*"
	Wscript.Echo "* Band 3B is not processed in this version."
End Sub

Function RunShell(strShellCmd)
' Handles most of the calls to external DOS executables to include batch files
	Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
	Return = WshShell.Run (strShellCmd, 1, TRUE)
End Function

Function ReadNewMetaFile(strOutputFile)
' Reads an entire file into a string for further parsing
  Dim fso, f
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(strOutputFile, ForReading)
  ReadNewMetaFile =  f.ReadAll
End Function

Function WriteCoordFile(strFile)
' Write out the geographic coordinates to a file.  I know it probably better
' to pipe it to other functions, but PROJ 4.4.4 is what I use to convert to
' UTM cartesians, and it doesn't like working well with anything but files
' for input...it's the ole STDIN/STDOUT process that's biting me.
    Dim fso
	Dim txtfile
	Dim s
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set txtfile = fso.CreateTextFile(strFile, True)
    ' Write coords to file
    txtfile.WriteLine Trim(Geog_Coord_UL(1)) & " " & Trim(Geog_Coord_UL(0))
    txtfile.WriteLine Trim(Geog_Coord_UR(1)) & " " & Trim(Geog_Coord_UR(0))
    txtfile.WriteLine Trim(Geog_Coord_LL(1)) & " " & Trim(Geog_Coord_LL(0))
    txtfile.WriteLine Trim(Geog_Coord_LR(1)) & " " & Trim(Geog_Coord_LR(0))
End Function

Function PullCoord(strMetaFile,strCoord)
' Got to pull geographic coordinates (degree-decimal format) before
 Dim intStart, intEnd
	intStart = Instr(strMetaFile,strCoord)
	intStart = Instr(intStart,strMetaFile,"(")
	intEnd = Instr(intStart,strMetaFile,")")
	PullCoord = Mid(strMetaFile, intStart+1, (intEnd-intStart)-1)
End Function

Function PullProcessedBands(strMetaFile,strCoord)
' This is for determining what bands to process...very useful for AST_06S files
' This will assist SELECTIVE band processing - a future feature
	Dim intStart, intEnd
	intStart = Instr(strMetaFile,strCoord)
	intStart = Instr(intStart,strMetaFile,chr(34))
	intEnd = Instr(intStart+1,strMetaFile,chr(34))
	PullProcessedBands = Trim(mid(strMetaFile, intStart, intEnd))
End Function

Function PullShortName(strMetaFile,strCoord) '- added 06 April 2002 - buckmaster
' This is for determining what type of processing the ASTER HDF-EOS experienced
	Dim intStart, intEnd
	intStart = Instr(strMetaFile,strCoord)
	intStart = Instr(intStart,strMetaFile,chr(34))
	intEnd = Instr(intStart+1,strMetaFile,chr(34))
	PullShortName = Trim(mid(strMetaFile, intStart+1, intEnd-intStart-1))
End Function

Function PullMapOrientation(strMetaFile)
' This is for pulling orientation angle...differs with product :^(
  Dim intStart, intEnd
  Dim tempstring, OrientationDir

  intStart = Instr(strMetaFile,"MAPORIENTATIONANGLE")
  If intStart > 0 Then
    OrientationDir = -1
    intStart = Instr(strMetaFile,"SCENEORIENTATIONANGLE")
    If intStart > 0 Then
      OrientationDir = 1
    Else ' Use a default 10 degrees of angle
      PullMapOrientation = -10.000
      msgbox "No orientation metadata found...using default -10 degrees"
      'Return ' Type mismatch: 'Return'
    End If
  End If

  ' Extract and Process the orientation angle
  intStart = Instr(intStart,strMetaFile,"VALUE") ' Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Instr'
  intStart = Instr(intStart,strMetaFile,"=")
  intEnd   = Instr(intStart+1,strMetaFile,"END_OBJECT")
  tempstring = Trim(mid(strMetaFile, intStart+1, intEnd-intStart-5))

  PullMapOrientation = OrientationDir * tempstring
End Function

Function StripSpaces(strMetaFile)
' Clean extraneous spaces from metadata - need to accomplish before parsing for any data
	StripSpaces = Replace(strMetaFile, " ", "") 
End Function

Function Calculate_UTM_Zone(W_Lon, E_Lon)
' Subroutine to Determine UTMZone

	Dim Center_Lon

	If W_Lon < 0 and E_Lon < 0 then
		Center_Lon = E_Lon + ((W_Lon - E_Lon)/2)
	End If

	If W_Lon > 0 and E_Lon > 0 then
		Center_Lon = W_Lon + ((E_Lon - W_Lon)/2)
	End If

	If Center_Lon < 0 and Center_Lon > -6 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "30"
	If Center_Lon < -6 and Center_Lon > -12 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "29"
	If Center_Lon < -12 and Center_Lon > -18 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "28"
	If Center_Lon < -18 and Center_Lon > -24 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "27"
	If Center_Lon < -24 and Center_Lon > -30 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "26"
	If Center_Lon < -30 and Center_Lon > -36 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "25"
	If Center_Lon < -36 and Center_Lon > -42 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "24"
	If Center_Lon < -42 and Center_Lon > -48 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "23"
	If Center_Lon < -48 and Center_Lon > -54 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "22"
	If Center_Lon < -54 and Center_Lon > -60 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "21"
	If Center_Lon < -60 and Center_Lon > -66 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "20"
	If Center_Lon < -66 and Center_Lon > -72 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "19"
	If Center_Lon < -72 and Center_Lon > -78 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "18"
	If Center_Lon < -78 and Center_Lon > -84 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "17"
	If Center_Lon < -84 and Center_Lon > -90 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "16"
	If Center_Lon < -90 and Center_Lon > -96 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "15"
	If Center_Lon < -96 and Center_Lon > -102 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "14"
	If Center_Lon < -102 and Center_Lon > -108 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "13"
	If Center_Lon < -108 and Center_Lon > -114 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "12"
	If Center_Lon < -114 and Center_Lon > -120 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "11"
	If Center_Lon < -120 and Center_Lon > -126 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "10"
	If Center_Lon < -126 and Center_Lon > -132 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "09"
	If Center_Lon < -132 and Center_Lon > -138 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "08"
	If Center_Lon < -138 and Center_Lon > -144 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "07"
	If Center_Lon < -144 and Center_Lon > -150 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "06"
	If Center_Lon < -150 and Center_Lon > -156 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "05"
	If Center_Lon < -156 and Center_Lon > -162 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "04"
	If Center_Lon < -162 and Center_Lon > -168 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "03"
	If Center_Lon < -168 and Center_Lon > -174 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "02"
	If Center_Lon < -174 and Center_Lon > -180 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "01"

	If Center_Lon > 0 and Center_Lon < 6 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "31"
	If Center_Lon > 6 and Center_Lon < 12 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "32"
	If Center_Lon > 12 and Center_Lon < 18 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "33"
	If Center_Lon > 18 and Center_Lon < 24 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "34"
	If Center_Lon > 24 and Center_Lon < 30 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "35"
	If Center_Lon > 30 and Center_Lon < 36 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "36"
	If Center_Lon > 36 and Center_Lon < 42 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "37"
	If Center_Lon > 42 and Center_Lon < 48 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "38"
	If Center_Lon > 48 and Center_Lon < 54 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "39"
	If Center_Lon > 54 and Center_Lon < 60 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "40"
	If Center_Lon > 60 and Center_Lon < 66 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "41"
	If Center_Lon > 66 and Center_Lon < 72 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "42"
	If Center_Lon > 72 and Center_Lon < 78 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "43"
	If Center_Lon > 78 and Center_Lon < 84 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "44"
	If Center_Lon > 84 and Center_Lon < 90 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "45"
	If Center_Lon > 90 and Center_Lon < 96 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "46"
	If Center_Lon > 96 and Center_Lon < 102 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "47"
	If Center_Lon > 102 and Center_Lon < 108 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "48"
	If Center_Lon > 108 and Center_Lon < 114 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "49"
	If Center_Lon > 114 and Center_Lon < 120 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "50"
	If Center_Lon > 120 and Center_Lon < 126 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "51"
	If Center_Lon > 126 and Center_Lon < 132 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "52"
	If Center_Lon > 132 and Center_Lon < 138 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "53"
	If Center_Lon > 138 and Center_Lon < 144 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "54"
	If Center_Lon > 144 and Center_Lon < 150 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "55"
	If Center_Lon > 150 and Center_Lon < 156 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "56"
	If Center_Lon > 156 and Center_Lon < 162 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "57"
	If Center_Lon > 162 and Center_Lon < 168 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "58"
	If Center_Lon > 168 and Center_Lon < 174 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "59"
	If Center_Lon > 174 and Center_Lon < 180 then Calculate_UTM_Zone = "60"

End Function

'    2. "cv" - The Latitude/Longitude reporting function was
'        changed for HDF-EOS files.  If the starting coordinate
'        for the mapping between the image array and the
'        Latitude/Longitude arrays is a coordinate that is outside
'        the image, then the program will attempt to determine the
'        mapping by examining the LatticePoint data field.
'        (Previously, it assumed that the starting coordinate was
'        the upper left corner of the image array, which gave
'        incorrect results for ASTER Level 1A files.)

'   Deprecated Command Line Argument Parser
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),2) = "-f" then strHDFname = mid(objArgs.Item(I),3)
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),2) = "-i" then drvPath = mid(objArgs.Item(I),3)
'	' Add a terminating delimiter if not present
'	If right(drvPath,1) <> "\" then drvPath = drvPath & "\"
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),2) = "-o" then drvDestPath = mid(objArgs.Item(I),3)
'	' Add a terminating delimiter if not present
'	If right(drvDestPath,1) <> "\" then drvDestPath = drvDestPath & "\"
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),2) = "-g" then GeographicType = True
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),2) = "-t" then  ModelTransformation = False
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),2) = "-s" then  MergeBands = False
'	If  left(objArgs.Item(I),3) = "-vo" then
'		bBandGroupProcess(VNIR) = True
'		bBandGroupProcess(SWIR) = False
'		bBandGroupProcess(TIR)  = False
'	end if

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