[Gdal-dev] JPEG2000

Chris Hodgson chodgson at refractions.net
Wed Dec 8 16:28:15 EST 2004

Have a look at the output of:

# gdalinfo --format JP2KAK

and cross-reference it against:


I don't know about your motivation for converting - however, I found 
that creating lossy files at about 1/10 the size of a GeoTiff were 
visually identical. I used the following options to gdal_convert to get 
this sort of output:

-co 'Clayers=20'
-co 'Clevels=8'
-co 'Corder=RPCL'
-co 'Cprecincts={256,256},{256,256},{128,128}'
-co 'ORGgen_plt=yes'
-co 'Creversible=no'
-co 'quality=10'

Note that decompression is very fast for a single user - however, I 
tried to build a multi-user mapserver using jp2k files and it just 
wasn't viable for me.

Good luck with it.


Jim LeMieux wrote:

> Hello I was trying to use OpenEV to convert a GeoTIFF to a JPEG2000 
> (Kakadu version apparently) and It works using the Export utility, 
> however the quality is degraded significantly and there are no options 
> to set the compression. I tried the gdal_translate at the command line 
> and got the same results (didn’t find any command line options to set 
> compression). I’m looking to find a free compressor to compress all my 
> GeoTIFFs to JPEG 2000 format at the lossless rate.
> Any suggestions?
> THANKS in advance.
> Jim LeMieux
> Kalispel Tribe
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>Gdal-dev at xserve.flids.com

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