[Gdal-dev] 1.2.0a Release

Norman Vine nhv at cape.com
Mon Feb 23 22:48:25 EST 2004

Alessandro Amici writes:
> BTW - the source of this sort of bugs is not 'libtool' rather than the 
> --without-libtool feature :).

FWIW - libtool has it's share of problems, at least with gcc and Win32

For example,  AFAIK the hdf4 libraries are *only* available as static libs
and I can not seem to be able to convert them to DLLs successfully
therefore libtool *refuses* to build a DLL

Since I much prefer a DLL for GDAL since it quite large I resort to 
--without-libtool  and all was well except now the configure script
links against the static lib anyway because the SLINK_LIB is now
a different name then the DLL because it is versioned and the
DLL isn't  grr.....

This is not a major hassle because I can always handcraft the
Makefiles to produce what I want < easiest is to just to put 
the version numbers back onto the dll >  but this means that I 
have a non-standard GDAL and arggh....

oh well it seems as there is a need for separate Cygwin releases
for GDAL as for most other libraries or else Cygwin'ers are just
going to have to live with static linking sometimes :-(

Note IMHO this shouldn't be a release stopper as the library works
but IMHO libtool is a major PITA !

I will work on an alternative --without-libtool patch for Cygwin but 
only after the release is made and I *know* what the target is



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