[Gdal-dev] goode homolosine projection

Manuel Massing gdal at warped-space.de
Wed Mar 10 11:05:13 EST 2004


Attached is a small patch to add OGR support for the goode homolosine

Unfortunately, proj.4 does only support the uninterrupted form of the goode
projection,  so a reprojection won't work on global datasets in interrupted
However, in a local context, you can adjust false easting and central
meridian values for the different zones. For a listing of false easting and
central meridian values used in the interrupted form, refer to Table 1 of

To reproject e.g. a MODIS dataset of North America
you could use the command-line:

gdalwarp <input> -s_srs '+proj=goode +ellps=sphere +lon_0=100w 
+x_0=-11119487.43'  <output options>


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