[Gdal-dev] gdalwarp

Norman Barker normanb at comsine.co.uk
Wed May 12 14:20:30 EDT 2004


looking at the warp utility am I correct in thinking that the restriction on 8 bit tiff, and holding all the tiff in memory is now removed.

GDAL 1.1.8
'implemented new 'gdalwarp' application for projection and GCP based image
   warping.  See gdal/alg for underlying algorithms.  Currently gdalwarp only
   supports 8 bit images and holds the whole source image in memory.'

As I am a bit new to this, and in particular GDAL say I had a geotiff in in UTM WGS84 (EPSG:32630)  how would I convert it to Lat/long WGS84 (EPSG:4326) ?

Many thanks,

Norman Barker 
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