[Gdal-dev] multiband overview problems

Gillian Walter gillian.walter at atlantis-scientific.com
Thu Nov 4 14:40:30 EST 2004


Has anyone else been having problems creating multiband overviews using 
the latest gdaladdo?  On my machine, adding overviews to multiband 
tiffs, and creating multiband tiff overviews for other formats, seems to 
corrupt the tiff header info- gdal's open function is choking at this line:

    if( (poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[0] != 'I' || poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[1] 
!= 'I')
     && (poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[0] != 'M' || poOpenInfo->pabyHeader[1] 
!= 'M'))
        return NULL;

Single band tiffs are fine though.


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