[Gdal-dev] GEOS and GDAL 1.2.2

Carlos A. Rueda carueda at ucdavis.edu
Sat Sep 4 00:15:41 EDT 2004

I'm using the current GDAL devolepment code since I need the GEOS
support that is currently being added to GDAL. So It's nice to
know an official 1.2.2 is about to come.
Will ./configure --with-geos=...  work in the formal 1.2.2 ?

thanks much.

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
 > Folks,
 > I have produced a new OpenEV_FW release available at:
 >   http://www.gdal.org/dl/openev/OpenEV_FW_181.zip
 > It should also soon be available from the maptools download page at:
 >   http://gdal.maptools.org/dl/openev
 > The ftp.remotesensing.org master site is currently down (due to the
 > hurricane
 > I think) but I will try to move it there next week as well.
 > I worked hard to include the HDF support in this release, but there are
 > still
 > some outstanding problems that Andrey is working on.  In part this release
 > is intended to give folks a chance to try out the latest GDAL as I get
 > close
 > to releasing GDAL 1.2.2.  Please report any GDAL issues in this package.
 > I ran the GDAL and MapServer test suites and discovered some problems in
 > MapServer that I have not isolated.  The GDAL suite seems to be running
 > fine.
 > So, be a bit wary about this MapServer build.
 > If we can iron out a few of the other issues I will likely produce a new
 > cut in a week or so possibly corresponding with a formal GDAL 1.2.2
 > release.
 > PS. This new OpenEV_FW includes Gillian's updated raw tools.  As usual
 > it is
 > built from the latest CVS for GDAL, OpenEV and MapServer.
 > Best regards,

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