[Gdal-dev] Problem getting ECW SDK 3.1 working with gdal

Dan Greve grevedan at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 9 12:00:22 EDT 2005


OK, I posted the modified ECW SDK 3.1 rc1 18Feb 05  to my yahoo briefcase.  
Go to


Click on Pub

Click on ecw_sdk_vc6mod_090405

Save to your disk.

Per the ER build instructions,
You MUST install the Microsoft SDK from 

Install the Win2003 Server Core SDK.  It works for most Windows OS.

Again, it's only a VC6 project, but the settings could be brought over to a 
VC7 project no sweat I bet.  Note, with the current GDAL ECW settings, the 
\ECW_SDK\Source\include directorty must be copied over to \ECW_SDK\Source 
before trying to compile GDAL.  I tested with gdal-1.2.6 and \frmts\ecw from 
GDAL-CVS-040805.  Frank, feel free to mirror this with your jasper special 
pkgs if you wish.  Hopefully I'm not breaking any license dillios.

-- dan g.

>From: "Dan Greve" <grevedan at hotmail.com>
>To: t.r.decarlo at larc.nasa.gov, gdal-dev at remotesensing.org
>Subject: RE: [Gdal-dev] Problem getting ECW SDK 3.1 working with gdal
>Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 17:27:49 -0400
>Windows isn't the biyatch, this ECW source base is ugly as hell.  I finally 
>got NCSSource_3.1rc1_18Feb05.zip to compile as a debug DLL, it required 
>multiple code modifications, visual studio project modifications, 
>installation of the Win2003 Server SDK, and about 5 excrutiating hours.
>That being said, I didn't compile with VC7, only with VC6.  I'll be putting 
>the final results up on ftp somewhere once I get this figured out.
>PS, it compile OK with gdal-1.2.6 and the \frmts\ecw from 04/07/2005 gdal 
>cvs snapshot.
>-- dan greve
>-- palm bay, fl
>>From: "Thom DeCarlo" <t.r.decarlo at larc.nasa.gov>
>>To: "'gdal-dev'" <gdal-dev at remotesensing.org>
>>Subject: RE: [Gdal-dev] Problem getting ECW SDK 3.1 working with gdal
>>Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 16:31:45 -0400
>>Sorry about that....
>>It turns out that one of the SDKs actually did install winhttp.h. However,
>>the WinXP search function doesn't look in the "Program Files" directory by
>>default, therefore the search never found the file. After changing an
>>Advanced Option, I could make the freaking thing search where I was 
>>it to search.
>>For those who are interested, the file is in
>>C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDK/include/winhttp.h
>>Now to see if I can make the SDK compile...
>>Thom DeCarlo
>>     I love deadlines. I especially like the
>>whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Thom DeCarlo
>> > Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 3:36 PM
>> > To: 'gdal-dev'
>> > Subject: RE: [Gdal-dev] Problem getting ECW SDK 3.1 working with gdal
>> >
>> > Hey Brent,
>> > Thanks for the update. I've just finished installing the Core SDK. 
>> > what. Still no winhttp.h.
>> >
>> > I'll take this conversation over to the ERMapper forum since it really
>> > isn't a gdal issue.
>> >
>> > Thanks again,
>> > Thom
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