[Gdal-dev] What about blob?

John Nipper jnipper at bhinc.com
Thu Feb 3 13:56:57 EST 2005

First off I would like to say "Thanks Frank"!  We use GDAL, OGR, FME, and 
recently PostGIS.  We have lots of custom apps for automating processes, and I 
really dig the GDAL and OGR APIs.

I would like to store/retrieve blobs in PostGIS as I am processing features 
including geometries.  I could add blobs to the PG driver and muck up the ogr 
code to make it work by adding blob functions to OGRFeature.  But it seems to 
me that it would be too drastic, and I repatching code each version seems to 
be bad practice.  Anyway, at this point I am just searching for ideas for the 
best way to accomplish this task.


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