[Gdal-dev] GDAL & OpenEV / MFC
James Goodwin
James.Goodwin at sea.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 10:36:21 EST 2005
Thanks for your quick response. I unfortunately don't have GDI+ as I'm using VS6.
I've looked thruogh your attached code. However, I'm confused by what the CVPPtr class is?
To be more specific - I'd really like an example of using GDAL & OGR to load S-57 files - then view then in a simple MFC front end (zoom,scroll and layer control). If you have any code, that would be great.
>>> "Chapman, Martin" <MChapman at sanz.com> 16/01/2005 00:32:32 >>>
I've done a lot of exactly that. Here are some things I've learned. There are also code snippets below.
1. Only use OpenGL if you want to render 3D data like elevation data (DEM, DTED, ...) in 3D meshes. OpenGL is awesome for 3D but slow (comparably) if you only have X,Y (2D). It's good for cross-platform rendering, but if you're using MFC you should go with the latest native graphics device (GDI+). In my applications I use the MDI application framework and have different Documents/Views for 2D, 3D, and raw images (rasters).
2. To display vector maps with projected imagery (rasters that are scaled with the vectors in the same view) use GDI+. This is hands down the best and fastest way to draw vectors (lat/lon) on Windows. The old style GDI only uses integers for coordinates so you can't easily display lat/lon values. OpenGL has to do a bunch of extra math when handling shapes other than triangles because the shape could be non-coplanar if it has more than 3 coords. Also, OpenGL has an archaic interface for working with the graphics pipeline. GDI+ on the other hand is almost identical to the Java2D library and is a totally awesome API that was extremely well thought out and is very sophistocated, and it's OO where OpenGL API is not. We even use Java2D to render from OGR at work and it's very fast. Not as fast as GDI+ though.
3. To display "raw" rasters (projected or unprojected), use the old style GDI and Device Context functions like BitBlt and StretchBlt or GDI+. Nothing matches the speed of the old GDI funtions for rasters though. GDI+ also handles raw rasters extremely well. In fact, from an API perspective, it is far superior for rasters than GDI, but GDI is just fast. You can use OpenGL for rasters as well, but I think their raster support is weak, unless you want to texture map an image to a 3D mesh, then it rocks.
4. No matter what graphics library you use, your code will be slow if you don't carefully think about how you load and draw your data. Whether it's raster or vector data, you should always, load only enough data to fill your view.
a. Loading the whole file works great for small files, but will bring your app (and any computer) to it's knees when you start loading big files, or lots of small files.
b. Do not, cache geometries or pixel data unless you give your users an option to cache at will, because you will quickly consume all the users available memory. Instead, each time your app pans or zooms, load the data again from the file, using a rectangle or quad index for vectors and an x,y,width,height offset for rasters.
c. Limit the number of times you loop through the features with OGR to one time per onpaint event. That means, don't use the GetWKB functions. Frank has to loop through the points and build the WKB first, then you will have to loop through the points again to draw them. If you elimanate that loop then you will be twice as fast.
d. Don't store points. That means, get them from OGR, stick it into a GDI+ point object array, draw it, and then get rid of it.
e. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF RENDERING IS....limit the number of times you draw the points to the screen. I see a lot of code where the developer is drawing every point to the screen as they loop through the features. Drawing to a screen moves millions of bits around and is very very expensive and humans can only process a screen update visually something like 30 screen refreshes a second, so drawing between those intervals is useless for any lifeform that I know of that usues a computer. You should do something like time based rendering or once per feature. You should accumulate points using the GDI+ PointF class in a PointF[] and then draw them periodically and then delete them. MFC has a nice handy function called GetTickCount() that will help you track time in milli-seconds to do this. It also gives you a very snooth rendering appearance.
The bottom line is that different graphics libraries are better suited for different jobs on different hardware. So before you pick one, really think about wht you want to do, and then be smart about NOT trying to make one document/view to handle all situations.
I have tons of code using different graphics libraries so you will have to ask me for specific examples if you want them. Listed below is a code snippet for using GDI+ and vectors using OGR. It uses some of my own classes to store feature style info and cached graphics for when a user wants to cache and un-cache layers. It also, uses a second GDI+ Graphics object to draw to a CachedBitmap for double buffering. Really, double-buffering doesn't work well for vectors because it can take a while to draw really large vector files (hundreds of megabytes and features), but is very useful for smooth panning. The code below draws points to the screen first to satisfy the use, and then loops again to paint to an offscreen bitmap for smooth/quick panning. If you want to double the speed of loading, then remove the pMemGraphics and m_spMemGraphics object from the functions. Although, this will not change the visual appearance because I already draw first, but it will finish the over-all loading faster beacuse you are drawing half as much.
The interesting functions below are OnPaint() and DrawVectorLayer().
Have fun!
Martin Chapman
void CMapView::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CRect clientRect;
Graphics graphics(dc.m_hDC);
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = (CMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd();
NAVIGATIONMODE eNavigationMode = pMainFrame->GetMapNavigationMode();
CVPPtr< IVPMap> spMap = GetMap();
CVPPtr< IVPEnvelope> spBBox = spMap->GetBoundingBox();
m_nScaleX = (REAL) (spMap->GetSRSWidth() / spBBox->GetWidth());
m_nScaleY = (REAL) (spMap->GetSRSHeight() / spBBox->GetHeight());
REAL nClientXFactor = (REAL) (spMap->GetSRSWidth() / clientRect.Width());
REAL nClientYFactor = (REAL) (spMap->GetSRSHeight() / clientRect.Height());
REAL nClientScaleFactor = nClientXFactor > nClientYFactor ? nClientXFactor : nClientYFactor;
m_nScaleX /= nClientScaleFactor;
m_nScaleY /= nClientScaleFactor;
m_nTranslationX = (REAL) (spBBox->GetMinX() + (spBBox->GetWidth() / 2));
m_nTranslationY = (REAL) (spBBox->GetMinY() + (spBBox->GetHeight() / 2));
m_nViewportOriginX = (REAL) (((clientRect.Width() / 2) / m_nScaleX));
m_nViewportOriginY = (REAL) (((clientRect.Height() / 2) / m_nScaleY));
if (m_bZooming && (eNavigationMode == NAVIGATION_MODE_PANMOVE))
SolidBrush solidBrush(Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
RectF clearRect((REAL) clientRect.left, (REAL) clientRect.top,
(REAL) clientRect.Width(), (REAL) clientRect.Height());
RectF excludeRect((REAL)-m_nStrokeOffSetX, (REAL) m_nStrokeOffSetY,
(REAL)clientRect.Width(), (REAL) clientRect.Height());
Region clearRegion(clearRect);
graphics.FillRegion(&solidBrush, &clearRegion);
graphics.TranslateTransform(-m_nStrokeOffSetX, m_nStrokeOffSetY);
if (!m_pMemBitmap)
CreateOffScreenGraphics(clientRect.Width(), clientRect.Height(), &graphics);
if (((eNavigationMode != NAVIGATION_MODE_ZOOMIN_BAND) &&
(eNavigationMode != NAVIGATION_MODE_ZOOMOUT_BAND)) || !m_bZooming)
graphics.DrawCachedBitmap(m_pCachedBitmap, 0, 0);
catch(exception e)
catch(char* e)
{AfxMessageBox("An unexpected error occurred in CMapView::OnPaint().");}
void CMapView::CreateOffScreenGraphics(int nWidth, int nHeight, Graphics* pGraphics)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef new
m_pMemBitmap = new Bitmap(nWidth, nHeight, pGraphics);
#define new DEBUG_NEW
m_pMemBitmap = new Bitmap(nWidth, nHeight, pGraphics);
CVPPtr< IVPMap> spMap = GetMap();
m_pMemGraphics = Graphics::FromImage(m_pMemBitmap);
m_pMemGraphics->TranslateTransform(m_nViewportOriginX - (m_nTranslationX), m_nViewportOriginY + (m_nTranslationY));
m_pMemGraphics->ScaleTransform(m_nScaleX, m_nScaleY, MatrixOrderAppend);
m_pMemGraphics->Clear(Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
DrawMap(pGraphics, m_pMemGraphics, spMap);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef new
m_pCachedBitmap = new CachedBitmap(m_pMemBitmap, pGraphics);
#define new DEBUG_NEW
m_pCachedBitmap = new CachedBitmap(m_pMemBitmap, pGraphics);
catch(exception e)
{throw e;}
catch(char* e)
{throw e;}
{throw "An unexpected error occurred in CMapView::CreateOffScreenGraphics().";}
void CMapView::DrawMap(Graphics* pGraphics, Graphics* pMemGraphics, IVPMap* pMap)
if (!pMap) return;
CVPPtr< IVPMap> spMap = pMap;
double nScale = spMap->GetScale();
pGraphics->TranslateTransform(m_nViewportOriginX - (m_nTranslationX), m_nViewportOriginY + (m_nTranslationY));
pGraphics->ScaleTransform(m_nScaleX, m_nScaleY, MatrixOrderAppend);
for (int j = spMap->GetLayerCount() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
CVPPtr< IVPLayer> spLayer = spMap->GetLayerAt(j);
if (spLayer->IsVisible())
if (((nScale >= spLayer->GetMinScale()) &&
(nScale < spLayer->GetMaxScale())) ||
DrawLayer(pGraphics, pMemGraphics, spLayer);
pGraphics->TranslateTransform(m_nViewportOriginX + (m_nTranslationX), m_nViewportOriginY - (m_nTranslationY));
pGraphics->ScaleTransform(-m_nScaleX, -m_nScaleY, MatrixOrderAppend);
catch(exception e)
{throw e;}
catch(char* e)
{throw e;}
{throw "An unexpected error occurred in CMapView::DrawMap().";}
void CMapView::DrawLayer(Graphics* pGraphics, Graphics* pMemGraphics, IVPLayer* pLayer)
if (dynamic_cast< IVPLayerCollection*>(pLayer))
list< IVPLayer*>::iterator it;
list< IVPLayer*>* pList = ((IVPLayerCollection*)pLayer)->GetLayers();
for (it = pList->begin(); it != pList->end(); it++)
DrawLayer(pGraphics, pMemGraphics, *it);
else if (dynamic_cast< IVPLayer*>(pLayer))
if (dynamic_cast< IVPVectorLayer*> (pLayer))
DrawVectorLayer(pGraphics, pMemGraphics, (IVPVectorLayer*) pLayer);
catch(exception e)
{throw e;}
catch(char* e)
{throw e;}
{throw "An unexpected error occurred in CMapView::DrawLayer().";}
void CMapView::DrawVectorLayer(Graphics* pGraphics,
Graphics* pMemGraphics,
IVPVectorLayer* pVectorLayer)
CVPPtr< IVPVectorLayer> spVectorLayer = pVectorLayer;
CVPPtr< IVPFeatureStyle> spFeatureStyle = spVectorLayer->GetFeatureStyle();
CVPPtr< IVPGraphicCollection> spGraphicCollection = pVectorLayer->GetGraphicCollection();
bool bIsCached = spVectorLayer->IsCached();
if (bIsCached && spGraphicCollection.p)
IVPGraphic* pGraphic = NULL;
GraphicsPath* pPath = NULL;
list< IVPGraphic*>::reverse_iterator it;
list< IVPGraphic*>* pGraphicList = spGraphicCollection->GetGraphics();
Pen* pPen = spGraphicCollection->GetPen();
if (pPen) pPen->SetWidth(spFeatureStyle->GetLineSize() / ((m_nScaleX + m_nScaleY) / 2.0f));
Brush* pBrush = spGraphicCollection->GetBrush();
for (it = pGraphicList->rbegin(); it != pGraphicList->rend(); it++)
pGraphic = (IVPGraphic*) *it;
pPath = (GraphicsPath*) pGraphic->GetPath();
if (pPath)
if (pBrush) pMemGraphics->FillPath(pBrush, pPath);
if (pPen) pMemGraphics->DrawPath(pPen, pPath);
if (spVectorLayer->IsShowLabels())
DrawLabels(pGraphics, pMemGraphics, pLayer);
int i = 0, j = 0, n = 0;
int nNumPoints = 0;
int nNumRings = 0;
int nNumGeometries = 0;
GraphicsPath* pPath = NULL;
OGRGeometry* pOgrGeometry = NULL;
OGRPoint* pPoint = NULL;
OGRLineString* pLineString = NULL;
OGRLinearRing* pLinearRing = NULL;
OGRMultiPoint* pMultiPoint = NULL;
OGRPolygon* pPolygon = NULL;
OGRMultiPolygon* pMultiPolygon = NULL;
OGRMultiLineString* pMultiLineString = NULL;
CVPPtr< IVPVectorSet> spVectorSet = (IVPVectorSet*) spVectorLayer->GetResultSet();
CVPPtr< IVPVectorGraphic> spVectorGraphic;
if (bIsCached)
spGraphicCollection = new CVPGraphicCollection();
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255;
float nLineSize = spFeatureStyle->GetLineSize();
float nPointSize = nLineSize / m_nScaleY * 4;
WCHAR* sFontFace = T2W(spFeatureStyle->GetFontFace().c_str());
float nFontSize = spFeatureStyle->GetFontSize();
Font font(sFontFace, nFontSize);
RectF pointRect(0.0f, 0.0f, nPointSize, nPointSize);
PointF* pPoints = NULL;
r = spFeatureStyle->GetLineColor()->GetRed();
g = spFeatureStyle->GetLineColor()->GetGreen();
b = spFeatureStyle->GetLineColor()->GetBlue();
a = spFeatureStyle->GetLineColor()->GetAlpha();
Pen pen(Color(a, r, g, b), nLineSize / ((m_nScaleX + m_nScaleY) / 2.0f));
r = spFeatureStyle->GetFillColor()->GetRed();
g = spFeatureStyle->GetFillColor()->GetGreen();
b = spFeatureStyle->GetFillColor()->GetBlue();
a = spFeatureStyle->GetFillColor()->GetAlpha();
SolidBrush fillBrush(Color(a, r, g, b));
r = spFeatureStyle->GetFontColor()->GetRed();
g = spFeatureStyle->GetFontColor()->GetGreen();
b = spFeatureStyle->GetFontColor()->GetBlue();
a = spFeatureStyle->GetFontColor()->GetAlpha();
SolidBrush fontBrush(Color(a, r, g, b));
CRect clientRect;
if (bIsCached)
CVPPtr< IVPEnvelope> spBoundingBox = GetMap()->GetBoundingBox();
CVPPtr< IVPPoint> spPoint;
double nMinX = spPoint->GetX() - (clientRect.Width() / 2) / m_nScaleX;
double nMaxY = spPoint->GetY() + (clientRect.Height() / 2) / m_nScaleY;
double nMaxX = spPoint->GetX() + (clientRect.Width() / 2) / m_nScaleX;
double nMinY = spPoint->GetY() - (clientRect.Height() / 2) / m_nScaleY;
CVPPtr< IVPEnvelope> spEnvelope = new CVPEnvelope(nMinX, nMinY, nMaxX, nMaxY);
OGRLayer* pOgrLayer = (OGRLayer*) spVectorSet->GetLayerRef();
OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomType = wkbUnknown;
OGRFeature* pOgrFeature = pOgrLayer->GetNextFeature();
pGraphics->Clear(Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
while (pOgrFeature)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef new
pPath = new GraphicsPath();
#define new DEBUG_NEW
pPath = new GraphicsPath();
pOgrGeometry = (OGRGeometry*) pOgrFeature->GetGeometryRef();
eGeomType = pOgrGeometry->getGeometryType();
if (eGeomType == wkbPoint)
pPoint = (OGRPoint*) pOgrGeometry;
if (nLineSize > 0)
pointRect.X = (REAL) pPoint->getX();
pointRect.Y = (REAL) -pPoint->getY();
else if (eGeomType == wkbLineString)
pLineString = (OGRLineString*) pOgrGeometry;
nNumPoints = pLineString->getNumPoints();
pPoints = new PointF[nNumPoints];
for (n = 0; n < nNumPoints; n++)
pPoints[n] = PointF((REAL) pLineString->getX(n), (REAL) -pLineString->getY(n));
pPath->AddLines(pPoints, nNumPoints);
if (pPoints) delete [] pPoints;
else if (eGeomType == wkbPolygon)
nNumRings = ((OGRPolygon*) pOgrGeometry)->getNumInteriorRings() + 1;
for (i = 0; i < nNumRings; i++)
if (i == 0)
pLinearRing = ((OGRPolygon*) pOgrGeometry)->getExteriorRing();
pLinearRing = ((OGRPolygon*) pOgrGeometry)->getInteriorRing(i - 1);
nNumPoints = pLinearRing->getNumPoints();
pPoints = new PointF[nNumPoints];
if (i == 0)
for (n = 0; n < nNumPoints; n++)
pPoints[n] = PointF((REAL) pLinearRing->getX(n), (REAL) -pLinearRing->getY(n));
for (n = nNumPoints - 1; n >= 0; n--)
pPoints[n] = PointF((REAL) pLinearRing->getX(n), (REAL) -pLinearRing->getY(n));
pPath->AddPolygon(pPoints, nNumPoints);
if (pPoints) delete [] pPoints;
else if (eGeomType == wkbMultiPoint)
pMultiPoint = (OGRMultiPoint*) pOgrGeometry;
nNumGeometries = pMultiPoint->getNumGeometries();
for (i = 0; i < nNumGeometries; i++)
pPoint = (OGRPoint*) pMultiPoint->getGeometryRef(i);
if (nLineSize > 0)
pointRect.X = (REAL) pPoint->getX();
pointRect.Y = (REAL) -pPoint->getY();
else if (eGeomType == wkbMultiLineString)
pMultiLineString = (OGRMultiLineString*) pOgrGeometry;
nNumGeometries = pMultiLineString->getNumGeometries();
for (i = 0; i < nNumGeometries; i++)
pLineString = (OGRLineString*) pMultiLineString->getGeometryRef(i);
nNumPoints = pLineString->getNumPoints();
pPoints = new PointF[nNumPoints];
for (n = 0; n < nNumPoints; n++)
pPoints[n] = PointF((REAL) pLineString->getX(n), (REAL) -pLineString->getY(n));
pPath->AddLines(pPoints, nNumPoints);
if (pPoints) delete [] pPoints;
else if (eGeomType == wkbMultiPolygon)
pMultiPolygon = (OGRMultiPolygon*) pOgrGeometry;
nNumGeometries = pMultiPolygon->getNumGeometries();
for (i = 0; i < nNumGeometries; i++)
pPolygon = (OGRPolygon*) pMultiPolygon->getGeometryRef(i);
nNumRings = ((OGRPolygon*) pPolygon)->getNumInteriorRings() + 1;
for (j = 0; j < nNumRings; j++)
if (j == 0)
pLinearRing = pPolygon->getExteriorRing();
pLinearRing = pPolygon->getInteriorRing(j - 1);
nNumPoints = pLinearRing->getNumPoints();
pPoints = new PointF[nNumPoints];
if (i == 0)
for (n = 0; n < nNumPoints; n++)
pPoints[n] = PointF((REAL) pLinearRing->getX(n), (REAL) -pLinearRing->getY(n));
for (n = nNumPoints - 1; n >= 0; n--)
pPoints[n] = PointF((REAL) pLinearRing->getX(n), (REAL) -pLinearRing->getY(n));
pPath->AddPolygon(pPoints, nNumPoints);
if (pPoints) delete [] pPoints;
if (eGeomType != wkbLineString && eGeomType != wkbMultiLineString)
pGraphics->FillPath(&fillBrush, pPath);
pGraphics->DrawPath(&pen, pPath);
if (bIsCached)
spVectorGraphic = new CVPVectorGraphic();
spVectorGraphic->SetPath((void*) pPath);
delete pPath;
delete pOgrFeature;
pOgrFeature = pOgrLayer->GetNextFeature();
IVPGraphic* pGraphic = NULL;
GraphicsPath* pCurrentPath = NULL;
list< IVPGraphic*>::reverse_iterator it;
list< IVPGraphic*>* pGraphicList = spGraphicCollection->GetGraphics();
for (it = pGraphicList->rbegin(); it != pGraphicList->rend(); it++)
pGraphic = (IVPGraphic*) *it;
pCurrentPath = (GraphicsPath*) pGraphic->GetPath();
if (pPath)
pMemGraphics->FillPath(&fillBrush, pPath);
pMemGraphics->DrawPath(&pen, pPath);
if (bIsCached)
catch(exception e)
{throw e;}
catch(char* e)
{throw e;}
{throw "An unexpected error occurred in CMapView::DrawVectorLayer().";}
-----Original Message-----
From: James Goodwin [mailto:James.Goodwin at sea.co.uk]
Sent: Fri 1/14/2005 8:11 AM
To: gdal-dev at xserve.flids.com
Subject: [Gdal-dev] GDAL & OpenEV / MFC
I've downloaded the GDAL library and been successfully built it and loaded an S-57 file. I've also downloaded the OpenEV code for displaying S-57 files.
However, I'd like to use GDAL, OpenGL and the MFC libraries (not GTK) to do my coding!
Has anyone taken this path already? If so, is the any free code available?
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