[Gdal-dev] Next Generation SWIG - Ruby

Kevin Ruland kruland at ku.edu
Mon Jul 18 22:17:07 EDT 2005


Has nobody contacted you yet?  I just recently touched up the NG python
bindings and they are mostly working -- I have one unexplained test case.

Pull gdal from cvs and you will find the ng bindings in pymod/ng.  There
is a very rudimentary readme describing the different typemaps used. 
But the most effective way would be to start with the typemaps_python.i
file and cut out all the python junk and replace with ruby junk.

Good luck and please report if you need help or have any success.

Kevin Ruland

Charles F. I. Savage wrote:

> I came across an interview from April where a "next generation" swig
> binding approach for gdal was mentioned (see
> http://community.qgis.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=58&Itemid=2).
> I was wondering how much progress has been made on this?  I'd be
> interested in using SWIG to develop Ruby bindings for GDAL/OGR.
> Thanks for the help,
> Charlie
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