[Gdal-dev] tif + .tfw + Proj4 projection information => Fully Referenced GeoTiff

Dardo D Kleiner - CONTRACTOR dkleiner at cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Wed May 18 16:05:37 EDT 2005

> I've got a bunch of .tif images, corresponding .twf files, and I've also been 
> told that all the .tifs are in meters, Mercator w/ standard parallel of 41.65 
> and a central meridian of -70.316667, NAD83 datum.

Doesn't look like that's a "standard" source projection, so I think you'll have
to explicitly define the proj parameters for gdalwarp.


gdalwarp -s_srs '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=41.65 +lon_0=-70.316667 +datum=NAD83' -t_srs EPSG:4326 <input>.tif <output>.tif

I think you'll also need a couple more parameters: +k, +x_0, and +y_0.

You'll want to look at the proj reference, available at http://proj.maptools.org/

- Dardo

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