[Gdal-dev] gdal --with-grass cannot find installed grass library

Bruce Bill tzhai2002 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 12:02:27 EST 2005

Dear group,
  as i posted in my previous posting, i was trying to
recompile gdal-1.3.1 on a sun box w/o admin priv to
have grass support, however, whatever I set the
--with-grass flag to, it just keep saying can't find
the libraries.

  Upon examining the configure script, I found it is
because (perhaps) that the script try to test this
this is done even if grass is actually installed and
the path to libs are given, this is the one that
always leads to the assigning of 'no' to
'GRASS_SETTING' instead of 
'grass57+', I had to manually set it to 'grass57+' to
sort of make it pass that failure. 
   Please let me know by doing so, is it going to
cause trouble down the road?
   Also, I'm not clear as to --with-libgrass, if I
have the full version of grass6.0.1 installed, do I
need to set
  --with-libgrass=no (or do i leave it blank?)

   Please help!!!
   Thanks a bundle.

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