[Gdal-dev] error in compiling gdal on windows xp (gifdataset.cpp)

skotea at gmail.com skotea at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 11:55:07 EDT 2005

hi people,

i try to compile gdal (gdal-cvs-2005.10.11) on windows xp using
Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and Microsoft Platform SDK...

in fact i need to modify ogr2ogr to output a sort of xml file used by
a PocketPC software using a shp file as input. that's why i was
thinking about modifying kml output option a little...

my 1st test is to see if i can compile gdal original source before
modifying anything...

but i get these errors :
C:\TEST\gdal-cvs-2005.10.11\frmts>cd gif   && nmake /NOLOGO /f makefile.vc   &&
cd ..
        cl /nologo /MD /GX /Zi /Fd..\..\gdal.pdb -I..\..\port -I..\..\ogr -I..\.
.\gcore  -I..\..\alg -Ilibungif /c gifdataset.cpp
gifdataset.cpp(122) : error C2375: 'EGifOpen' : redefinition; different linkage
        libungif\gif_lib.h(119) : see declaration of 'EGifOpen'
gifdataset.cpp(580) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'GifFileType *(__cd
ecl *)(void *,OutputFunc)' to 'GifFileType *'
gifdataset.cpp(580) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'GifFileType *(__cd
ecl *)(void *,OutputFunc)' to 'GifFileType *'
        There is no context in which this conversion is possible
gifdataset.cpp(580) : error C3861: 'EGifOpen': identifier not found, even with a
rgument-dependent lookup
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

can someone help ?

thanks a lot

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