[Gdal-dev] writing to GRID

Prosperi, Paolo (SDRN) Paolo.Prosperi at fao.org
Thu Apr 20 04:20:39 EDT 2006

Hi all.
I'm a newbie of GDAL and surely NOT a programmer.
The standard executable of GDAL 1.3.1 works smoothly on my windows 2000
platform until I try to write to esri grid formats.

In particular, when I use the command gdal_merge and the AAIGrid output

gdal_merge -o my-path\my-grid -of AAIGrid -n 0 my-image1 my-image2

I get as error:

ERROR 6: GDALDriver::Create() ... no create method implemented for this

Traceback (most recent call last):
	File "C:\Programs\FWTools\bin\gdal_merge.py", line 450, in ?
	 t_fh.SetGeoTransform( geotransform )
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'SetGeoTransform'

Instead, if I try to use the GIO driver:

gdal_merge -o %path%\my-image -of GIO -n 0 my-image1 my-image2

I simply get:

Format driver GIO not found, pick a supported driver.

The question is:
given I haven't got a clue on how to compile GDAL from source, is anybody so
kind to pass me a windows executable version of GDAL with working GIO/AAIGrid
Dummy-like directions (or links to appropriate web sites) on how to compile
would also do and be very much appreciated.

Thanks very much,
Paolo P.

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