[Gdal-dev] SetField & GetExtents Query

Ben Crane crane_ba at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 17 06:33:10 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm having a great time with the PHP OGR library but
have 2 questions:

1. I have used the SetField command and updated
browser view, but how do I actually save this
information into the core SHP files? I have tried
CommitTransaction but seems to have no joy? I need to
be able to update the core SHP file since it will be
opened and used by others after the update.

2. I have managed to get GetExtents to work, but how
do I actually seperate the 4 coordinate pairs in the
GetExtents object into 4 variables that I can use with
the SVG ViewBox command...I've tried treating it as an
array but had no joy.

Ben Crane

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