[Gdal-dev] ogr2ogr Default Output SRS

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Thu Dec 7 16:23:40 EST 2006

Am I missing something here? When I use ogr2ogr to export a shapefile I
don't have to specify an output SRS; it seems happy to use the one
specified in the geometry_columns table. But when I try to export a
MapInfo tab file I MUST specify either -t_srs or -a_srs or I get a error
saying it couldn't open the file with any of its drivers.

The problem I'm having is that I'm running a large batch of files that use
either one of two projections and as each gets imported, geometry_columns
contains the right SRS, and when I export to MapInfo I want to use the
correct one. So I'd like it to use whatever is in geometry_columns. How can
I get it to do that for MapInfo exports?

- Bill Thoen

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