[Gdal-dev] Opening OGDI Datasets

Murphy, David dmurphy at agi.com
Tue Jun 27 13:10:00 EDT 2006



I've developed a VB application which uses the GDAL library via
GDAL_FW.dll.  I have code that opens a CADRG (RPF) dataset

via the OGDI driver.  This code works fine on the development machine,
but when I deploy it to another machine I get an error message "could
not find  dynamic library "RPF"".  I'm using a gltp URL to access the
dataset.  I have GDAL_FW.dll as well as all the FWTools binaries in a
directory beneath the executable.  Are there any other binaries I would
need or does anything need to be registered?  Any info would help.



Dave Murphy


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