[Gdal-dev] Grid based transformation with ogr2ogr
uwe.schmitz at lverma.nrw.de
uwe.schmitz at lverma.nrw.de
Wed May 10 09:14:13 EDT 2006
> Uwe,
> The +towgs84 parameter will be preserved as a TOWGS84[] entry
> for the datum in WKT. So that works fine. In your case it would
> belong in the -s_srs since it relates the DHDN to WGS84.
forgive me if I get on your nerves but...
I tried the following (this time I use GML for better reading,
with shape files I gain the same result):
ogr2ogr -f "GML" -s_srs "+init=epsg:31467 +towgs84=631,23,451" \
-t_srs "+proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +zone=32" trf.xml org.xml
and for:
in org.xml I get:
in trf.xml.
So far so good but:
cs2cs +init=epsg:31467 +towgs84=631,23,451 \
+to +proj=utm +datum=WGS84 +zone=32<CR>
3396682.3999999999 5626850.4000000004 0.0<CR>
gives me:
396648.50 5625041.57 46.88
IMO cs2cs is correct.
What's going wrong?
Best wishes
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