[Gdal-dev] [motion] Migration of web pages to the Wiki

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Apr 19 14:56:55 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Matt Wilkie wrote:
>> Another issue I ran into was devising a scheme to easily
>> discriminate between end user and developer docs. I floated an idea
>> for this at http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/TracDiscuss but have no
>> responses so far. I don't know whether this is because no one has
>> noticed the page or  if they just don't have an opinion. ;)
> Matt,
> To be honest, I read this over and wasn't too keen on the approach.
> It can be quite difficult to enforce rules such as those you suggest
> for new wiki contributors so I'm inclined to avoid making rules that
> are likely to fall apart.  I am also not convinced that orderly
> organization in the index is that important an objective.

Frank, Matt,

I think we can just group subjects on the Wiki frontpage.
Rules, groups may not be needed and/or may complicate things, but
organizing the content according to two rules: for a user and for a
developer makes sens to me.

I'm not sure if it needs a special rules for URL, because users will
probably use the Table of Content instead of write URLs manually.

>>> Could we list pages that are good candidates to migrate to the
>>> Wiki?
>> As a general principle I suggest focussing on user docs as
>> developers already have access to svn, so can change things (like
>> the man-style quick references pages for the utilities) there.
> I'd suggest users focus on user pages, as long as you don't mind 
> developers focusing on developer stuff!
> I don't have final answers on what belongs in the wiki and what in 
> doxygen.  But some criteria might be:
> Best in wiki if: o contributions are likely to come from casual
> participants without commit access. o opinion related material,
> suggested approaches, etc

+ more dynamic content, like reports, status pages, etc.

> Best in doxygen if: o it is API reference documentation generated
> from the code. o it needs to be installed with software (like man
> pages) o it makes extensive use of the doxygen cross-referencing
> capability to the reference docs, like some of the developer
> tutorials.

IMHO, doxygen is directly related to "current status of GDAL" and it
usually reflects this status, so it's more a static content and does not
belong to the idea of Wiki.

Mateusz Loskot

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