[Gdal-dev] PCI .aux Labelled Raw Format
Meek, Allan (Contractor)
Allan.Meek at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Fri Apr 20 16:01:01 EDT 2007
I have an image in PCI's .aux labelled raw format. The .aux file
contains information similar to the following:
AuxiliaryTarget: image.raw
RawDefinition: 12000 18000 1
ChanDefinition-1: 32R 0 4 48072 Unswapped
MapUnits: LONG/LAT
UpLeftX: -77.00000
UpLeftY: 45.90000
LoRightX: -77.40000
LoRightY: 46.00000
ProjParms: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gdalinfo gives the following info:
Driver: Paux/PCI .aux Labelled
Size is 12000, 18000
Coordinate System is ''
Origin = (-77.3622989999999993,45.9357545499999)
Pixel Size = (-0.000002179920120,0.000001437865907)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( -77.0000000, 45.9000000)
Lower Left ( -77.0000000, 46.0000000)
Upper Right ( -77.4000000, 45.9000000)
Lower Right ( -77.4000000, 46.0000000)
Center ( -77.2000000, 45.9500000)
Band 1 Block=12000x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
However, when I open the image in OpenEV, the georeferencing isn't
correct. The image is displayed upside down, with the north end at the
bottom of the window and the south end at the top of the window. On the
other hand, east and west are fine. The layer properties window shows
that the image's projection is blank.
If I open a shape file in OpenEV before opening the image, the image is
oriented properly. Again, the layer properties window shows that the
image's projection is blank.
What needs to be changed in the driver to correct this problem? I've
tried a couple of things, but haven't figured it out.
Allan Meek
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