[Gdal-dev] Encoding in ogr2ogr

Richard Matsunaga richard.matsunaga at waypointinfo.com
Tue Apr 24 15:58:08 EDT 2007

Hi all,
I came across this post. I am having the same problem with a MapInfo tab
file with french accented characters. Other than the workaround provided by
Etienne, is there a way to solve this problem where more than just LATIN1
(or whatever) must be supported? i.e. without setting a system environment
On 12/11/05, Etienne Dube <etdube at globetrotter.net
<http://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev> > wrote:

> This is correct. I've managed to insert latin1 characters in a

> UTF8-encoded DB with ogr2ogr, by setting the PGCLIENTENCODING

> environment variable to LATIN1 (prior to running ogr). In Windows, that

> would be:



Etienne / Charlie,

I have added a note on PGCLIENTENCODING in the postgres/postgis

driver details.  BTW, I am also getting "encouragement" from Andrey

to deal with encodings in OGR.  Perhaps something will need to be

done, as loath as I am to deal with it.

Best regards,



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