[Gdal-dev] RE: ogr2ogr KML styling

Benoit Myard myardbenoit at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 11:08:01 EST 2007

> This seems fine except that the default linestyle width doesn't show up on
> my GoogleEarth view. I can manually add <width>4</width> to correct the
> problem, but is there a way to change kml style output in ogr2ogr?

Not that I'm aware of.

> I could resort to a java runtime.exec() with a STDOUT => XMLReader but
> wondered if there was a way to merge a style definition file using ogr2ogr.
> Perhaps an xslt approach would be better.

Well, it's a matter of taste but XSLT has been designed for that kind
of jobs though.

Benoit Myard

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