[Gdal-dev] ArcSDE Support in GDAL/OGR

Simon Perkins sy at perkins.net
Tue Jul 3 17:21:10 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> I see ArcSDE on this page:
>  http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html

Hmmm... so do I! Sure I stared at that page several times... :)

>> P.S. Frank: we'd talked earlier about sponsoring a Oracle Spatial 
>> GeoRaster driver, but, after some debate, I think we're going to use 
>> ArcSDE instead. Oracle Spatial just gets too expensive since it's 
>> only available as an option on the enterprise database (at about $40k 
>> a processor).
> I can understand the hesitancy to go with oracle georaster at that
> sort of pricing.  I'm not sure ArcSDE would have been my solution
> to the problem, but hey. :-)

Well, really, we just need a solution that allows us to store large 
numbers of rasters in spatial databases. It seemed that the choices came 
down to Oracle Spatial or ArcGIS Server (SDE). Are there other 
alternatives? What are your qualms about ArcSDE? I've never used it, so 
any comments much appreciated!



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