[Gdal-dev] gdal_translate Basic Usage / UTM to latlong

John R. johnr at wowway.com
Fri Jul 13 16:49:44 EDT 2007

Tim Osborn wrote:
> OK...this is what's going on.....


> They list the parameters
> there and an email address you can request a prj file.  WTM83 is not the
> same as regular old UTM NAD83.  The EPSG number code for WTM83 is 3070.


They sent me the prj file and I used that as an argument to -a_srs 
(cool!).  Results for extents and center matched what my hand built 
-a_srs output.

I am not sure if it is OK to post the prj file here as they provide it 
on request.

Things are still not 100%, but it may not be because of the coordinates 
in the tif.  I have asked the provider to provide me lat/long for the 
extents in order for me to verify that side of things.



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