[Gdal-dev] Does GDAL handle rotated spheres?

Kolberg Sjur A Sjur.A.Kolberg at sintef.no
Thu Jun 7 09:19:33 EDT 2007

Hello list,

Does GDAL handle rotated spheres?

According to this mail from 2005, GDAL re-implements a subset of Proj4's keycodes, unfortuately excluding ob_tran. 

http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2005-June/005839.html <http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2005-June/005839.html> 

Is this correctly described and still valid? 
Is there any known workaround or plans for extension?

This proj string seems to work in the proj shell command:
C:\Program Files\FWTools1.2.2>proj +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=eqc +lon_0=-40 +o_lat_p
=22 +x_0=639367 +y_0=1473324 +a=6371000 +b=6371000
-20 70
1387440.15 1817677.94
45 65
3557085.41 3450332.43

Whereas the same string results in error code 5 when using

C++ code:
// Source projection system in proj4 text format
msg = "+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=eqc +lon_0=-40 +o_lat_p=22 +x_0=-639367+y_0=1473324 +a=6371000.0 +b=6371000.0";
OGRErr errcode = ogrspatref.importFromProj4((LPCTSTR) msg);
if ( errcode != OGRERR_NONE)
    return "ERROR! Could not import coordinate system from proj4 format";
(gives errcode==5; // #define OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA        5) 

fwtools 1.2.2 on Windows, Microsoft VS 2005.

Best regards,

Sjur Kolberg
SINTEF Energiforskning A/S
Sem Sælands vei 11
7465 Trondheim
tlf. 73 59 72 78
fax  73 59 72 50 

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