[Gdal-dev] Row/column data to Geotiff
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Jun 14 12:11:51 EDT 2007
Hersman, William wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a way to write geotiff files from simple row/column
> data, such as:
> 6038.698 6025.553 6013.471 6003.241 5995.237
> 5989.413 5985.433 5982.787 5981.004 5979.861
> 5979.379 5980.666 5984.076 5990.979 6060.380
> 6071.938 6092.017 6115.689 6107.636 6097.677
> 6088.838 6081.833 6076.131 6071.144 6066.436
> 6061.369 6055.924 6050.646 6046.408 6044.147
> 6044.722 6048.734 6049.608 6047.399 6045.258
> 6044.493 6044.704 6044.831 6044.806 6047.358
> 6053.283 6065.744 6074.324 6078.942 6076.226
> 6133.812 6140.912 6148.538 6155.627 6160.118
> Can that be done with the GDAL library (I'm on Linux)? It's not clear
> to me, but seems like it should be doable. Or maybe there is an easier
> way with another library or freeware?
If you can format the values in Arc/Info ASCII Grid format it should be
trivial to translate to other GDAL supported format. I have attached a
50x7 ascii grid as an example.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
-------------- next part --------------
ncols 50
nrows 7
xllcorner 440720.000000000000
yllcorner 3750900.000000000000
cellsize 60.000000000000
107.5 123 132 115 132 132 140 132 132 132 107 132 107 132 132 107 123 115 156 148 107 132 107 115 99 123 99 74 115 82 115 115 107 123 123 99 123 123 115 115 107 90 99 107 107 99 123 107 140 123
115 132 107 123 148 115 165 115 140 107 123 123 99 132 123 132 132 132 99 156 123 140 115 115 115 99 107 132 107 115 107 99 90 115 115 107 123 99 115 123 115 115 140 132 140 115 132 115 140 107
115 132 140 132 123 115 140 107 140 115 132 123 107 132 132 115 115 107 115 107 123 107 132 90 132 123 99 107 99 115 90 99 115 107 115 90 123 99 123 123 107 140 107 132 123 123 123 140 140 107
148 132 123 123 115 132 132 123 115 123 115 123 107 115 148 107 115 140 115 132 99 107 107 107 115 132 115 156 115 115 115 107 115 99 123 90 107 99 107 115 115 123 140 107 132 107 123 123 123 123
132 156 132 140 132 132 115 115 115 123 148 123 165 123 132 107 107 132 156 123 115 99 107 99 123 99 115 115 99 107 115 90 115 90 99 115 107 123 107 99 140 99 140 115 132 123 115 115 123 132
189 173 173 148 148 115 148 123 107 132 115 132 156 99 123 115 132 132 206 107 115 99 90 107 123 99 115 123 90 99 99 99 99 123 107 115 107 107 123 132 132 132 107 156 132 115 115 132 140 132
197 173 148 140 140 132 99 132 123 115 140 132 132 99 132 123 132 173 123 115 115 99 107 132 107 123 99 107 107 99 115 99 99 90 99 115 90 115 140 115 148 123 132 140 123 123 148 132 115 140
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