[Fwd: [Gdal-dev] gdal_array.SaveArray problem]

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.nl
Mon Jun 18 04:17:05 EDT 2007


did nobody notice this post of mine of 2 weeks ago (see below), or does
nobody know an answer?
I hope someone can at least shed a little ray of light on it... I prefer
to post problems to the ml first, before filing a bug, because of the
larger audience and the simple fact that it might just be my fault
instead of a bug. I'll file a bug anyway if I get no response...


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Gdal-dev] gdal_array.SaveArray problem
Date: 	Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:14:13 +0200
From: 	Vincent Schut <schut at sarvision.nl>
Organization: 	sarvision.nl
To: 	gdal-dev at lists.maptools.org

Hi folks,

the ngpython gdal_array.SaveArray method does something picky with my
arrays... When I try to access the array I have saved, I get a segfault.
When saving a copy of the array, everything goes fine.

This code segfaults:


import gdal, gdal_array, numpy

a = numpy.arange(3*100*150, dtype=numpy.uint16).reshape((3, 100, 150))
gdal_array.SaveArray(a, "gdalSaveArrayTest.tif")
print a[0,0,0] # segfaults here.

And this code does not segfault:


import gdal, gdal_array, numpy

a = numpy.arange(3*100*150, dtype=numpy.uint16).reshape((3, 100, 150))
gdal_array.SaveArray(a.copy(), "gdalSaveArrayTest.tif")
print a[0,0,0] # OK

Apparently it has something to do with refcounts; try this in a python
interpreter (a is a numpy array):
>>> gdal_array.SaveArray(a, "test.tif")
<gdal.Dataset; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'GDALDatasetShadow *' at
0xb57fa0> >
>>> a
<refcnt -4294967291 at 0x9648c0>

This is with gdal from recent svn, and numpy too.
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