[Gdal-dev] Re: ogrinfo problem

guillaume huby guillaume.huby.lists at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 11:13:48 EST 2007

>  I am having trouble opening an KNL file with OGR version 1.2.2 from the
> FWTool set.  I have tried both compressed and uncompressed versions an
> neither one works
> The KML driver is built in based on the error messages shown below.  Is
> this a known issue?  I saw one post that said the tool was "write only"
> yetsomewhere I thought I saw a different message saying it was read only
> unless we had Xerces built in.

Hi Bruce,

As far as I know, KML is write only.

You can find a turnaround to read KML on this web page :

The trick is to convert KML to GML via an XML parser, then to read the GML
using ogr tools.
Be careful, the KML must be quite simple (polygons only or points only).

Good luck !
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