[Gdal-dev] new RFC 13: Improved Feature Insertion/Update/Delete Performance in Batch Mode

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at gmail.com
Wed May 16 10:37:59 EDT 2007


I agree in the purpose of the RFC. However it seems that this
implementation brings in some new elements in the C++ interface and
further requirements of the various drivers to implement these
functions. Hopefully not the mysql is the only driver that would
implement this functionality.

Many people use the various SWIG-ged language APIs instead of the
C/C++ interface. So we should also consider to support these API-s
with any new additions as well. In this regard implementing typemaps
for object arrays in not too straightforward and we should eventually
reconstuct the array iterating through the elements one by one. It
would certainly bring in additional delays with the completion of the
overall implementation.
To support the SWIG interfaces you should also represent these
function at the GDAL/OGR C API.

I would propose you to examine the option of providing this
functionality by using the existing API with caching the various
feature creations / additions / deletions at the provider. These
changes could be propagated to the datastore in batch using the
existing transaction mechanism. I'm sure that this behaviour have
already been implemented in various providers.

Best regards,


2007/5/16, Baumann, Konstantin <Konstantin.Baumann at hpi.uni-potsdam.de>:
> Hi!
> I would like to announce the new RFC 13:
> <http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc13_createfeatures>
> I would like to add some new methods to OGRLayer for "batched"
> inserting/updating/deleting features. These virtual methods allow OGR
> drivers to implement optimized handling of these batched operations
> (e.g. resulting in a performance boost).
> For example, I was able to improve the "batched insertion" scenario for
> the MySQL driver from ~40 features per second to something about
> 800-1.500 features per second; for layers with >=50.000 features (with
> and wihtout geometry)...
> Any further comments and suggestions are wellcome.
> What is the procedure to start voting on that?
> Best regards,
>     Kosta
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