[Gdal-dev] gdal 1.4.3: warning with postgis importer when in append
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Nov 1 12:34:18 EDT 2007
I upgraded from gdal 1.4.2 to gdal 1.4.3
Since the upgrade, I get the following warnings I don't understand:
Warning 1: Unable to detect single-column primary key for
'Gebaeudeadressen__Strassenstueck'. Use default 'ogc_fid'
along for tons of other warnings for every other spatial table in the schema.
I get this warning when using the following command:
ogr2ogr -a_srs "EPSG:21781" -append -update -nln
av.Gebaeudeadressen__Strassenstueck -lco SCHEMA=av -lco DIM=2 -lco
LAUNDER=yes -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=the_geom -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=mydb
user=myuser password=mypw host=localhost" 198-uster-gds.itf,dm01avzh24.ili
When looking at the table definition, I have a single-column primary key
called 'ogc_fid', which was generated by gdal itself. So whats wrong with
this primary key that ogr2ogr is complaining?
Thanks for any ideas,
Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 6, CH-8624 Grüt/Gossau, Switzerland
Email: a.neumann at carto.net, Web:
* http://www.carto.net/ (Carto and SVG resources)
* http://www.carto.net/neumann/ (personal page)
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* http://www.geofoto.ch/ (Georeferenced Photos of Switzerland)
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