[Gdal-dev] A feature request: add GEOS Is* functions to C-API

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Tue Oct 16 04:30:44 EDT 2007

  in ogr.i:
IsEmpty(), IsValid(), IsSimple(), IsRing()
also AddPoint_2D()  and a bunch of overloads for SetField()

but, in the Perl bindings at least..
Is_Empty() is there, but Valid/Simple/Ring are not?
Move() is added
GetFeatures -> GetFeature
   and the detection of AddPoint() for 2D/3D

  tip of the hat to Howard Butler, for the original and continued work..

however, a simple perl script on trunk sources gives a runtime error
   IsEmpty() not found

for IsSimple(), IsRing() and IsValid()
   cant locate .../IsSimple.al in @INC(..paths..) at 'compile' time

geometry->Move() seems to work fine


On Oct 15, 2007, at 11:41 PM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> Ari Jolma wrote:
>> IsValid, IsSimple, and IsRing from GEOS could easily be added to the
>> C-API ad bindings. In fact, I've done it locally since I need at least
>> IsValid. Is there a reason they're not in?
> Folks,
> Just to follow up this subject and keep users informed.
> The requested API has been exposed:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/1871
> I'd like to say Big Thanks to Hobu for cleaning this (and other 
> tickets)
> during my absence last weeks.
> Cheers
> -- 
> Mateusz Loskot
> http://mateusz.loskot.net
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