[Gdal-dev] Status Report KML Driver

Christoph Ehrler ehrler-soft at gmx.de
Wed Sep 12 07:55:07 EDT 2007

Hi @ all

is this project still in progress and whats the actual status?
I'm curious to see the development since the 20th August 2007 because
otherwise I'll need to implement KML support myself.


Jens Oberender wrote:
> As requested a status report for the kml driver as of today.
> Working:
> - reading and parsing the kml file works
> - the vector part decides about what elements are layers and what features
> - exporting simple Point layers/features (test with ogr2ogr into a shapefile,
> only names are converted to fields yet)
> Not yet implemented:
> - exporting LineString and Polygon
> - export with filters
> - exporting more tags as fields
> - get the layer extend
> - special case handling (GeometryCollections)
> Summary:
> The base work is done,
> now the data can be handled and special cases need to
> be detected and shipped around. I would guess about one week of work to
> finish that.
>From my point of view, there is no problem to continue the work
in next weeks if you need.
> Future:
> The base (KML class) is written, so writing a child for rasters (analog to the
> KMLvector class) shouldn't be too hard.

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