[gdal-dev] How to read GRIB2 fommat data

Limei Ran lran at unc.edu
Thu Aug 7 12:24:16 EDT 2008


GRIB is a format listed in the GDAL supported formats.  But, I  get the 
following error message when I used gdalinfo.

gdalinfo goes_rtv_CALB_200608051145Z.grid
ERROR 4: `goes_rtv_CALB_200608051145Z.grid' does not exist in the file 
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.

gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'goes_rtv_CALB_200608051145Z.grid'.

I believe that my file is GRIB2 format.  What should I do to have GRIB 
format in my compiled GDAL?



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