[gdal-dev] Does CCITTFax-Compression of GeoTiffs work for you?

Tom Kazimiers 2voodoo at gmx.de
Sun Jan 13 12:25:03 EST 2008


thanks for your answer. I do not think that IrfanView writes out of 
standard CCITT - bu anyway I tryed with gdal_translate.
Maybe I interpret this information wrong, but "gdal_translate --format 
GTiff" gives the following output:

Format Details:
  Short Name: GTiff
  Long Name: GeoTIFF
  Extension: tif
  Mime Type: image/tiff
  Help Topic: frmt_gtiff.html
  Supports: Create() - Create writeable dataset.
  Supports: CreateCopy() - Create dataset by copying another.
  Creation Datatypes: Byte UInt16 Int16 UInt32 Int32 Float32 Float64 
CInt16 CInt32 CFloa

  <Option name="COMPRESS" type="string-select">
  <Option name="PREDICTOR" type="int" description="Predictor Type"/>
  <Option name="JPEG_QUALITY" type="int" description="JPEG quality 
1-100, default 75."/>
  <Option name="INTERLEAVE" type="string-select">
  <Option name="TILED" type="boolean" description="Switch to tiled format"/>
  <Option name="TFW" type="boolean" description="Write out world file"/>
  <Option name="BLOCKXSIZE" type="int" description="Tile Width"/>
  <Option name="BLOCKYSIZE" type="int" description="Tile/Strip Height"/>
  <Option name="PHOTOMETRIC" type="string-select">
  <Option name="PROFILE" type="string-select">

Does this mean CCITT compression is not supported at all?


ivan.lucena at pmldnet.com schrieb:
> Hi Tom,
> As long as I know GeoTiff CCITT 4 should work well in GDAL. 
> Is it possible that "IrfanView" is producing a corrupted or out of standard CCITT?
> Have you try to check the integrity of that files in another software? 
> And what if you gdal_translate the successful LZW file to CCITT 4? Does it works?
> Just some ideas...
> Ivan
>>  -------Original Message-------
>>  From: Tom Kazimiers <2voodoo at gmx.de>
>>  Subject: [gdal-dev] Does CCITTFax-Compression of GeoTiffs work for you?
>>  Sent: Jan 13 '08 13:52
>>  Hi there,
>>  I asked this question already two month ago and would like to give it another try.
>>  I am using GDAL 1.4.3 and esp. GeoTiff for reading and displaying
>>  GeoTiffs on Windows CE.
>>  I successfully managed it to display GeoTiff Files that are LZW
>>  compressed - other formats seem not to work.
>>  The error message I get when trying to load CCITTFax (3 or 4 - both do
>>  not work) compressed images is:
>>  GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 0
>>  RasterIO still returns 0 (so it seems as there occured no error - but
>>  CPLGetLastErrorMsg() returns the message above.)
>>  gdalinfo returns for the working image:
>>  Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
>>  Size is 62, 68
>>  Coordinate System is `'
>>  Metadata:
>>    TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch)
>>  Image Structure Metadata:
>>  Corner Coordinates:
>>  Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
>>  Lower Left  (    0.0,   68.0)
>>  Upper Right (   62.0,    0.0)
>>  Lower Right (   62.0,   68.0)
>>  Center      (   31.0,   34.0)
>>  Band 1 Block=62x68 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
>>    Metadata:
>>      NBITS=1
>>    Color Table (RGB with 2 entries)
>>      0: 128,255,0,255
>>      1: 251,13,0,255
>>  For the same image (just compressed with CCITTFax4 - and black/white
>>  colors) it returns:
>>  Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
>>  Size is 62, 68
>>  Coordinate System is `'
>>  Metadata:
>>    TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=2 (pixels/inch)
>>  Image Structure Metadata:
>>  Corner Coordinates:
>>  Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
>>  Lower Left  (    0.0,   68.0)
>>  Upper Right (   62.0,    0.0)
>>  Lower Right (   62.0,   68.0)
>>  Center      (   31.0,   34.0)
>>  Band 1 Block=62x68 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
>>    Metadata:
>>      NBITS=1
>>    Color Table (RGB with 2 entries)
>>      0: 255,255,255,255
>>      1: 0,0,0,255
>>  Everything is identical, but the the compression tag.
>>  Do you have any hint what might have gone wrong?
>>  Thanks in advance,
>>  Tom
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